Comparative forms of adverbs

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What are comparative and superlative adverbs?

We use the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs to make comparisons between two or more people or things (see also: comparative and superlative adjectives).

Read on to learn how to form comparative and superlative adverbs and use them correctly in a sentence. Don’t forget to test your knowledge in the free exercises.


Marie court aussi vite que Chloé.

Claire court plus vite que Marie.

Claire court le plus vite.

How to construct comparative adverbs

The comparative allows us to compare two things. We make comparatives using the adverbs in the structures plus … que (more … than), aussi … que (as … as) and moins … que (less … than).

Claire court plus vite que Marie.Claire runs more quickly than Marie.
Marie court aussi vite que Chloé.Marie runs as quickly as Chloé.
Chloé court moins vite que Claire.Chloé runs less quickly than Claire.

How to construct superlative adverbs

The superlative is the highest degree of comparison. It compares one thing against a whole group and expresses an extreme. We form superlatives using the structures le/la/les plus … (the most …) and le/la/les moins …. (the least) followed by the adverb.

Claire court le plus vite.Claire runs the quickest.


However, there are a few exceptions:

Base Form Comparative Superlative
biengood mieux/aussi bien/moins bien le mieux/le moins bien
malbad plus mal/aussi mal/moins mal le plus mal/le moins mal
beaucoupa lot plus/autant/moins le plus
peulittle/few moins/autant/plus le moins