Indefinite Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Indefinite determiners – Complete the gaps with the correct indefinite determiners.

  1. Ce n’est pas une soirée très chic. Tu peux mettre (n’importe quel)   chaussures.chausseures = feminine plural → n’importe quellesIt’s not a fancy party. You can wear any old shoes.
  2. J’ai visité (différent)   appartements avant de trouver celui-ci.appartements → masculine plural = différentsI viewed several flats before finding this one.
  3. Lors de la conférence, nous avons pu poser (divers)   questions.questions = feminine plural → diversesDuring the conference, we were able to ask various questions.
  4. La dernière fois que nous avons joué à ce jeu, tu as triché à un (certain)   moment.moment = masculine singular → certainThe last time we played this game, you cheated at one point.
  5. Est-ce que tu pourrais me donner (quelque)   conseils?conseils = masculine plural → quelquesCould you give me some advice?

Indefinite pronouns – Construct new sentences by replacing the underlined part of the sentence with its opposite.

  1. J’ai vu quelqu’un.
     .I saw someone.
    I didn’t see anyone.
  2. Nous ne lui dirons rien.
     .We won’t tell him anything.
    We will tell him everything.
  3. Personne n’a le droit d’entrer.
     .No one has the right to enter.
    Everyone has the right to enter.

Tout as an adjective – Choose the correct form.

  1. Pour mon anniversaire, j’ai invité mes amis une journée.journée = feminine singular → touteFor my birthday, I invited my friends over for a whole day.
  2. Je fus très content, car mes amis sont venus.mes amis = masculine plural → tousI was very happy, because all my friends came.
  3. En plus, le monde m’a apporté de beaux cadeaux.le monde = masculine singular → toutAlso, everyone brought me beautiful gifts.
  4. Nous nous sommes vraiment amusés et ce fut une belle journée pour les personnes.personnes = feminine plural → toutesWe had a lot of fun and it was a lovely day for everyone.

Tout as an adverb - Construct new sentences. Replace the underlined part of the sentence with the correct form of tout.

  1. Il a mangé tout le gâteau.
     .gâteau = masculine singular → toutHe ate the whole cake.
    He ate everything.
  2. Toutes les filles ont mis une jupe pour l’occasion.
     .filles = feminine plural → toutesAll the girls wore skirts for the occasion.
    Everyone wore a skirt for the occasion.
  3. Tous mes amis se sont amusés.
     .amis = masculine plural → tousAll my friends had fun.
    Everyone had fun.
  4. Tous mes cadeaux sont géniaux!
     !cadeaux = masculine plural → tousAll my gifts are wonderful!
    All are wonderful!