L’imparfait – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. En 1994, j’(habiter)   à Toulouse.1st person singular: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ais.In 1994, I was living in Toulouse.
  2. Pendant notre enfance, nous (jouer)   au tennis.1st person plural: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ions.During our childhood, we used to play tennis.
  3. Est-ce que tu (finir)   toujours à 18 heures?2nd person singular: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ais.Did you always finish at 6 pm?
  4. Tous les jours, elle lui (rendre)   visite.3rd person singular: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ait.Every day she would visit him.
  5. Vous (aller)   souvent au cinéma.2nd person plural: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add iez.|nous allons → vous alliezYou used to go to the cinema.

Complete the sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verbs in brackets. Remember – some verbs don’t follow the typical conjugation rules.

  1. Avant ils (voyager)   beaucoup.3rd person plural: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add aient.They used to travel a lot.
  2. Est-ce que tu (connaître)   ce chanteur?Connaître is irregular in the présent.|2nd person singular: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ais.|nous connaissons → tu connaissaisDid you know this singer?
  3. Elle (prendre)   le bus tous les jours.Prendre is irregular in the présent.|3rd person singular: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ait.|nous prenons → elle prenaitShe took the bus every day.
  4. Ils (lire)   tous les matins les journaux.Lire is irregular in the présent.|3rd person plural: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add aient.|nous lisons → ils lisaientThey read the newspaper every morning.
  5. En 2005 j’(avoir)   15 ans.Avoir is irregular in the présent.|1st person singular: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ais.|nous avons → j’avaisIn 2005, I was 15 years old.

Complete the sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verbs in brackets. Remember – some verbs don’t follow the typical conjugation rules.

  1. Avant il (être)   vraiment petit.Être is irregular in the présent.|See the list of irregular verbs.He used to be really small.
  2. En Afrique nous (boire)   beaucoup d’eau.Boire is irregular in the présent.|1st person plural: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ions.|nous buvons → nous buvionsIn Africa, we drank a lot of water.
  3. Pendant leur enfance, ils (aimer)   les bonbons.3rd person plural: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add aient.During their childhood, they liked sweets.
  4. Est-ce que tu (faire)   du sport régulièrement?Faire is irregular in the présent.|2nd person singular: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add ais.|nous faisons → tu faisaisDid you do sport regularly?
  5. Est-ce que vous (savoir)   parler français?Savoir is irregular in the présent.|2nd person plural: We take the present form of the 1st person plural, remove the ending ons, and add iez.|nous savons → vous saviezWere you able to speak French?