à cause de/grâce à – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. L’entreprise a dû fermer la concurrence.À cause de has a negative meaning, it explains a negative result (the closure of the business).The company had to close because of the competition.
  2. Nous n’avons pas pu aller nous baigner mauvais temps.À cause de has a negative meaning, it explains a negative result (not being able to go swimming.We couldn’t go swimming because of the bad weather.
  3. J’ai fait des progrès en français conseils de mon professeur.Grâce à has a positive meaning, it explains a positive result (improvement in French).I’ve made lots of progress in French thanks to my teacher’s advice.
  4. Guillaume a appris à aimer la poésie Baudelaire.Grâce à has a positive meaning, it explains a positive result (loving poetry).Guillaume learned to love poetry thanks to Baudelaire.
  5. La route est barrée une inondation.À cause de has a negative meaning, it explains a negative result (blocked street).The road is blocked because of a flood.

Complete the sentences with à cause de or grâce à.

  1. Les avocats sont en grève   la nouvelle loi.À cause de mostly has a negative meaning, it explains a negative result (the lawyers being on strike).The lawyers are on strike because of the new law.
  2. Merci de m’avoir aidé à réviser.   toi, j’ai réussi l’examen !Grâce à has a positive meaning, it explains a positive result (passing the exam).Thanks for helping me study. Thanks to you, I passed the exam!
  3.   nouvelles technologies, on fait de nombreuses découvertes scientifiques.Grâce à has a positive meaning, it explains a positive result (new discoveries).Thanks to new technology, we’ve made many scientific discoveries.
  4. Il faut rouler lentement   brouillard.À cause de can have a neutral meaning, it simply explains a situation that is neither good nor bad.You have to drive slowly because of the fog.
  5. Christine a mal aux pieds   ses nouvelles chaussures.À cause de mostly has a negative meaning, it explains a negative result (sore feet).Christine’s feet hurt because of her new shoes.