compréhensif/compréhensible – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. Robert m’en veut parce que je ne suis pas venu à sa fête. Il n’est pas très .Compréhensif describes a person who is understanding or tolerant.Robert is angry with me because I didn’t come to his party. He’s not very understanding.
  2. Catherine ne veut plus voir Jonathan. Après ce qu’il lui a fait, c’est .Compréhensible describes texts, words, actions or attitudes that are easy to understand.Catherine doesn’t want to see Jonathan any more. After what he did, it’s understandable.
  3. Ce livre est par ceux qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en langue française.Compréhensible describes texts, words, actions or attitudes that are easy to understand.This book is easy to understand because it’s for people who have an intermediate level of French.
  4. Farah est très , elle a même parfois tendance à trop accepter de la part des autres.Compréhensif describes a person who is understanding or tolerant.Farah is very understanding, sometimes she has a tendency to accept too much of others.
  5. Depuis son accident, Matthieu a peur de conduire. C’est .Compréhensible describes texts, words, actions or attitudes that are easy to understand.Since his accident, Mathieu has been afraid of driving. It’s understandable.

Complete the sentences with the correct adjective: compréhensif or compréhensible. Remember to change the adjective ending where necessary.

  1. La décision du patron de l’entreprise est  .Compréhensible describes texts, words, actions or attitudes that are easy to understand.The boss’ decision is understandable.
  2. Il y a beaucoup trop de mots scientifiques dans ce texte, je ne le trouve pas très  .Compréhensible describes texts, words, actions or attitudes that are easy to understand.There are too many scientific words in this text, I don’t find it easy to understand.
  3. Malika n’a pas une vie facile, sa famille devrait être un peu plus  .Compréhensif describes a person who is understanding or tolerant.Malika doesn’t have an easy life, her family should be a bit more understanding.
  4. En ce moment, Annabelle a envie de rester seule. Heureusement, ces amis sont  .Compréhensif describes a person who is understanding or tolerant.Right now, Annabelle wants to be alone. Luckily her friends are very understanding.
  5. Étant donné ce qu’il a vécu, la réaction de Louis était  .Compréhensible describes texts, words, actions or attitudes that are easy to understand.Given what he has been through, Louis’ reaction was understandable.