devoir/falloir – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. Lucien réviser pour avoir une bonne note à son examen.When followed by an infinitive, devoir expresses an obligation.|Given that the subject is Lucien, it’s impossible to use the impersonal verb falloir.Lucien has to study to get a good grade on his exam.
  2. Il ne pas que j’arrive en retard à l’école.We can only use falloir with a subjunctive clause, not devoir.|When used with a subjunctive clause, falloir can express personal obligations.I can’t be late to school.
  3. Il te un bon vélo si tu veux participer à cette compétition.When we use falloir with a noun, it means need something.|We also need to use an indirect object pronoun before the verb (in this case: te)You need a good bike if you want to participate in this competition.
  4. Sabrina ranger sa chambre.When followed by an infinitive, devoir expresses an obligation.|Given that the subject is Sabrina, it’s impossible to use the impersonal verb falloir.Sabrina has to tidy her room.
  5. Les médecins disent souvent qu’il faire du sport régulièrement pour évacuer le stress.We use falloir + infinitive to express general obligations that apply to a group of which the speaker is also part.Doctors often say that you have to do sport regularly to alleviate stress.

Complete the sentences with the conjugated forms of devoir or falloir.

  1. Jonathan   aller visiter un appartement aujourd’hui.When followed by an infinitive, devoir expresses an obligation.|Given that the subject is Jonathan, it’s impossible to use the impersonal verb falloir here.Jonathan has to go and visit a flat today.
  2. Il   que je m’achète une nouvelle robe pour le mariage de ma cousine.We can only use falloir with a subjunctive clause, not devoir.|When used with a subjunctive clause, falloir can express personal obligations.I have to buy a new dress for my cousin’s wedding.
  3. Céline a perdu son pari, elle me   un dîner dans mon restaurant préféré.When devoir is followed by a noun instead of an infinitive, it means owe.Céline has lost a bet, she owes me dinner at my favourite restaurant.
  4. Pour faire des crêpes, il nous   du lait, de la farine, des œufs et du beurre.When we use falloir with a noun it means need something.|We also need to use an indirect object pronoun before the verb (in this case: nous)To make crêpes, we need milk, flour, eggs and butter.
  5. Il   aller au marché pour trouver des produits frais et régionaux.We use falloir + infinitive to express general obligations that apply to a group of which the speaker is also part.You have to go to the market to find fresh and regional produce.