voir/regarder – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1.  ! Il y a un bel arc-en-ciel !Use regarder in the imperative to direct someone’s attention towards something we wish to show them.Look! There’s a beautiful rainbow!
  2. Philippe, est-ce que tu as mes clés ? Je ne les trouve plus.Use voir to talk about the ability to see something.Philippe, have you seen my keys? I can’t find them any more.
  3. Stéphanie et moi, nous aimons des vieux films.Use regarder with the word film.Stéphanie and I love watching old films.
  4. Cela fait longtemps que je n’ai pas Michel.Here, voir is used to mean rencontrer (meet).I haven’t seen Michel for ages.
  5. Un jour, j’aimerais les Chutes du Niagara.Voir is passive; in this context, it is similar to the English verb see.One day, I would love to see Niagara Falls.

Complete the sentences with the conjugated form of voir or regarder.

  1. Aujourd’hui, les gens   trop la télévision.Regarder is active; the subject deliberately directs their vision towards something in order to watch it.Nowadays, people watch too much TV.
  2. Est-ce que tu as   le dernier film d’Almodóvar ?When talking about film, we prefer to use voir rather than regarder when the verb is in the past tense.Have you seen the latest Almodóvar film?
  3. Je ne   pas ce qui est écrit sur le panneau là-bas.Use voir to talk about the ability to see something.I can’t see what is written on the sign over there.
  4. Laure et John se sont assis dans l’herbe et ont   les étoiles.Regarder is active; the subject deliberately directs their vision towards something in order to watch it.Laure and John sat on the grass and watched the stars.
  5. Est-ce que j’ai quelque chose sur le visage ? J’ai l’impression que les gens me   bizarrement.Regarder is active; the subject deliberately directs their vision towards something in order to watch it.Do I have something on my face? I feel like people are looking at me weirdly.