Le plus-que-parfait – Free Exercise

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Do we need to use avoir or être? Choose the correct form.

  1. Clément voyagé en avion.voyager takes avoir.Clément had travelled by plane.
  2. Mélanie et Léa acheté un cadeau.acheter takes avoirMélanie and Léa had bought a gift.
  3. Nous venus pour Noël.venir takes être.We had come for Christmas.
  4. Est-ce que vous entrés dans la maison?entrer takes êtreHad you come into the house?
  5. Est-ce que tu t’ souvenu de lui?reflexive verbs take être as their auxiliaryHad you remembered him?

Complete the sentences using the correct plus-que-parfait form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Lucas (vendre)   son vieux vélo.imparfait form of avoir + past participle of vendre|vendre is an irregular verb|see the list of irregular verbsLucas had sold his old bicycle.
  2. Patricia (rester)   chez Jean.imparfait form of être + past participle of rester|-er verbs form their past participle with é.|when using être, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subjectPatricia had stayed at Jean’s place.
  3. Madeleine et Guillaume (choisir)   ce chien.imparfait form of avoir + past participle of choisir|-ir verbs form their past participle with iMadeleine and Guillaume had picked this dog.
  4. Nous (rendre)   le DVD.imparfait form of avoir + past participle of rendre|rendre is an irregular verb|see the list of irregular verbsWe had returned the DVD.
  5. Vous (chercher)   des glaces.imparfait form of avoir + past participle of chercher|-er-verbs form their past participle with éYou had been looking for ice cream.

Complete the sentences using the correct plus-que-parfait form of the verbs in brackets. Remember – not all verbs follow the typical conjugation rules.

  1. Est-ce qu'elles (aller)   déjà   dans ce restaurant?imparfait form of être + past participle of aller|-er verbs form their past participle with é|when using être, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject|(elles → feminine plural)Had they ever been to this restaurant?
  2. Ils (recevoir)   un e-mail.imparfait form of avoir + past participle of recevoir|recevoir is an irregular verbThey had received an e-mail.
  3. Marc (vouloir)   une nouvelle voiture.imparfait form of avoir + past participle of vouloir|vouloir is an irregular verbMarc had wanted a new car.
  4. Est-ce que tu (voir)   déjà   ce film?imparfait form of avoir + past participle of voir|voir is an irregular verbHad you already seen this film?
  5. Juliette (descendre)   par les escaliers.imparfait form of être + past participle of descendre|descendre is an irregular verb|when using être, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject (Juliette → feminine singular)Juliette had gone down the stairs.