Articles – Free Exercise

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Complete the table with the definite and indefinite articles for each word.

Definite Article Indefinite Article
  fillefeminine noun → la
For people and animals the gender of the article corresponds to the biological gender.
the girl
  fillefeminine noun → une
For people and animals the gender of the article corresponds to the biological gender.
a girl
  garçonmasculine noun → le
For people and animals the gender of the article corresponds to the biological gender.
the boy
  garçonmasculine noun → un
For people and animals the gender of the article corresponds to the biological gender.
a boy
 amimasculine noun, le becomes l’ before a vowelthe friend   amimasculine noun → una friend
 heurefeminine noun, la becomes l’ before a vowel soundthe hour   heurefeminine noun → unean hour
  enfantsplural noun → lesthe children   enfantsplural noun → deschildren

Complete the sentences with the contracted forms of the articles and the prepositions in brackets.

  1. J’aime boire (de + le) + le = duI like drinking milk.
  2. Hier nous avons fait (de + les)   gâ + les = desYesterday we baked cakes.
  3. Est-ce que vous jouez (à + le)   tennis tous les mardis?à + le = auDo you play tennis every Tuesday?
  4. Demain ils feront (de + le) + le = duTomorrow they’re playing badminton.
  5. Est-ce que tu es allé (à + les)   Halles à Paris?à + les = auxDid you go to the Halles in Paris?

Read the sentences and decide if you need to use an article after the partitive de (le partitif) or not.

  1. J’ai acheté glace pour le dessert.For uncountable nouns we use the partitive de + articleI bought some ice cream for dessert.
  2. Est-ce que tu as encore beaucoup sucre?We do not use the article after the partititve de in expressions like beaucoup deDo you still have a lot of sugar?
  3. Il a déjà lu la moitié livre.La moitié is an exception: although it expresses a concrete amount we use an article after the partitive de.He has already read half of the book.
  4. Nous faisons gymnastique tous les lundis.For types of sports we use the partitive de with an article.We do gymnastics every Monday.
  5. Ils ne mangent plus viande, car ils sont végétariens.After a negation the partitive de is never followed by an article.They don’t eat meat because they are vegetarians.
  6. Est-que je peux avoir eau?For uncountable nouns we use the partitive de with an article.Can I have some water?