La préposition (French prepositions)
What is a preposition?
Prepositions (les prépositions) are small words that link elements of a sentence together. They indicate the relationships between words.
In French, there are simple prepositions (à, chez, etc.) as well as longer prepositional phrases (d’après, près de etc.).
- Example:
- Il est allé chez le coiffeur.He went to the hairdresser.
- Elle habite près de Bordeaux.She lives near Bordeaux.
Unfortunately, prepositions often can’t be translated literally. The only solution is to look them up in a dictionary, read a lot in French, and learn important prepositional phrases by heart. Read on for tips, tricks and examples of how to use French prepositions correctly, then test yourself in the free exercises.
Simon a travaillé aujourd’hui de 8 heures à 16 heures. Après le travail, il est rentré à la maison.
Devant la porte, il a remarqué qu’il avait oublié ses clefs au travail. Pour pouvoir rentrer chez lui, il va donc chercher son double de clés caché sous le pot de fleur au-dessus de la porte à l’arrière de la maison.
Heureusement que les clés sont là! Simon peut rentrer à la maison!
What are the most common prepositions in French?
The prepositions à, de and en
- In lists, à, de, and en are repeated before each item (not mentioned once and then left out, as in English).
- Examples:
- Elle a donné un mouchoir à Pierre et à Zoé.She gave a handkerchief to Pierre and (to) Zoé.
- Il faut de l’eau, de la farine et du sel pour faire une pâte à pizza.You need water, flour and salt to make a pizza crust.
- The prepositions à and de are combined with the articles le and les to make one word.
Preposition + article | Example |
à + le = au | la glace au chocolata chocolate ice-cream |
à + les = aux | Fais attention aux enfants!Watch out for the children! |
de + le = du | parler du jeuto talk about the game |
de + les = des | C’est la table des enfants.Here is the children’s table. |
The prepositions avant and devant
Avant and devant are often both translated into English as “before”. In French, however, these prepositions have two different meanings — avant is used when referring to time and devant when referring to space (similar to “in front of”).
- Examples:
- Elle se brosse les dents avant d’aller se coucher.She brushes her teeth before she goes to bed.
- Il attend tous les jours devant la boulangerie.He waits in front of [before] the bakery every day.
Easily Mixed-Up Words
When you’re writing, be careful that you don’t mix up these similar words:
- à (preposition) and a (3rd person singular present tense of avoir)
- Examples:
- Il a pris froid.He got a cold.
- Il est allé à Reims.He went to Reims.
- sur (preposition) and sûr (adjective)
- Examples:
- Il est monté sur la table pour réparer la lampe.He climbed on the table to repair the lamp.
- Il est sûr d’avoir réparé la lampe hier.He is sure that he repaired the lamp yesterday.
List of important French prepositions
The following tables list the most important prepositions in French grammar.
Prepositions – Time
French | English | Usage | Example |
à | at | for times of day | à 8 heuresat 8 o’clock |
in | for spring (the season) | au printempsin spring | |
for ages or eras | au XXème sièclein the 20th century | ||
to | with from … to … | de 8 heures à 9 heuresfrom 8 to 9 (o’clock) | |
après | after | after a certain event or time | après 8 heuresafter 8 o’clock |
après le coursafter the course | |||
avant | before | before a certain event or time | avant 8 heuresbefore 8 o’clock |
avant le coursbefore the course | |||
dans | in | in… (how long until something happens) | dans une heurein an hour |
de | from | with from … to … | de 8 heures à 9 heuresfrom 8 to 9 |
du lundi au jeudifrom Monday to Thursday | |||
depuis | since, for | starting at a certain point and continuing until now | depuis 1980since 1980 |
depuis 2 ansfor 2 years | |||
dès | since | starting at a certain point and continuing until now | dès 8 heuressince 8 o’clock |
dès lundisince Monday | |||
en |
in | months | en févrierin February |
all seasons except for spring | en été, en automne, en hiverin summer, in autumn, in winter | ||
in | years | en 2008in 2008 | |
jusque | until | until a certain point | jusqu’en févrieruntil February |
pendant | during, for… |
to indicate how long something lasts | pendant les vacancesduring the holidays |
pendant trois joursfor three days |
il y a
Although not strictly a preposition, the prepositional phrase il y a (= ago) is useful for locating past events in time.
- Example:
- Il es parti il y a une heure.He left an hour ago.
Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)
French | English | Usage | Example |
à | in, to | buildings | à la bibliothèque, au cinémain the library, in the cinema to the library, to the cinema |
city names | à Parisin Paris to Paris |
country names (masc.) | au Pérou, aux Etats-Unisin Peru, in the USA to Peru, to the USA |
à côté | next to | physical proximity to sth. | Jeanne est à côté de la voiture.Jeanne is next to the car. |
à droite | right | to the right of sth. | à droite de la voitureto the right of the car |
à gauche | left | to the left of sth. | à gauche de la voitureto the left of the car |
au-delà | beyond | beyond, farther than a place | au-delà des montagnesbeyond the mountains |
au-dessous | below | located below, but not immediately beneath sth. | au-dessous de la voiturebelow the car |
au-dessus | above | located above, but not immediately on top of sth. | au-dessus de la voitureabove the car |
à travers | through | action that reaches the other side of sth. | à travers la portethrough the door |
à travers la Francethrough France | |||
chez | at/to (someone’s place) | at/to a person’s house/apartment | chez Christopheat Christophe’s place to Christophe’s place |
at/to a professional’s place of work | chez le coiffeur, chez le fleuristeat the hairdresser’s, at the florist’s to the hairdresser’s, to the florist’s |
contre | against | in the sense of leaning on sth. | contre la voitureagainst the car |
dans | in, into | room, building, street, city, country | dans la villein the city into the city |
book, newspaper, etc. | dans le livrein the book | ||
means of transportation | dans le trainin the train into the train |
world | dans le mondein the world into the world |
de | from | from a place | Je viens de Paris.I come from Paris. |
derrière | behind | behind sth. | derrière la maisonbehind the house |
en | in, to | country names (fem.) | en France, en Suissein France, in Switzerland to France, to Switzerland |
en dehors | outside | directly outside of sth. | en-dehors de la maisonoutside of the house |
en face | across | directly across from sth. | Il habite en face de chez moi.He lives across from me. |
hors | out of, outside of | outside the limits of sth. | Il habite hors de la ville.He lives outside of the city. |
loin | far | distance | J’habite loin de la gare.I live far from the station. |
par | through | through sth. | regarder par la fenêtreto look through the window |
près | near | physical proximity | J’habite près de la gare.I live near the station. |
sous | under | directly under sth. | sous la tableunder the table |
sur | over | directly over sth. | sur la têteover one’s head |
on | directly on sth. | sur la tableon the table | |
vers | towards | in the direction of sth. | Va vers le nord!Go to the north! Go northwards! |
near | near … | Versailles se trouve vers Paris.Versailles is located near Paris. |
Other Important Prepositions
French | English | Usage | Example |
à | [describing a purpose or material], by | material, purpose | le gâteau au chocolat, la machine à laverthe chocolate cake, the washing machine |
travel by foot, by bicycle | aller à pied, à vélogo by foot, by bicycle | ||
avec | with | with someone or sth. | avec son chien, avec Jeanwith his dog, with Jean |
in a certain manner | avec joiewith pleasure, with joy | ||
contre | against | to refuse/reject sth. | être contre une idéeto be against an idea |
d'après | according to | indicating a source | d’après le journalaccording to the newspaper |
de | of, by, from | referring to a possessor | une page du livrea page of the book |
creator, author, etc. | un livre de Victor Hugoa book by Victor Hugo | ||
source, giver | un cadeau de Jeannea gift from Jeanne | ||
en | made of | material | un pull en cotona jumper made of cotton |
by | means of transportation (except bicycle) | en voiture, en train, en avionby car, by train, by plane | |
entre | between | between two mentioned people or objects | entre les arbres, entre toi et moibetween the trees, between you and me |
excepté/sauf | except for | referring to an exception | Tous sont venus excepté/sauf Julien.Everyone came except for Julien. |
grâce à | thanks to | with the help of someone/something | Grâce à Emilie/mon ordinateur, j’ai terminé plus vite.Thanks to Emilie/my computer, I was done sooner. |
malgré | despite | in spite of an obstacle | malgré le mauvais tempsdespite the bad weather |
par | by means of | means, instrument, manner | par mailby e-mail |
by | referring to the cause of the action in the passive | La voiture est lavée par le garçon.The car is washed by the boy. | |
per | referring to distribution | trois fois par semainethree times per week | |
parmi | among | belonging to a group | la plus grande parmi les fillesthe tallest among the girls |
pour | for, because of | reason | être arrêté pour volto be arrested for stealing |
for |
purpose, intention | pour le travailfor work | |
recipient | un cadeau pour mon pèrea present for my father | ||
agreement | être pour une idéeto be for an idea | ||
sans | without | referring to the lack of things or people | sans ma valisewithout my suitcase |
sans mon frèrewithout my brother | |||
selon | depending on | depending on | selon les possibilitésdepending on the possibilities |
according to | according to someone/something | selon le journalaccording to the newspaper |