

Abstract Noun


symbol placed on certain letters to indicate pronunciation; French has three accents: acute accent (l’accent aigu), grave accent (l’accent grave) and the circumflex (l’accent circonflexe)

année (acute accent)

père (grave accent)

contrôle (circumflex)



Active Voice

actif/la voix active; sentence where the subject performs the verb

Compare: Passive

L’agriculteur regarde ses champs.


adjectif; describing word; agrees in gender and number with the noun it is modifying

jeune, vieux/vieille, bon, doux


adverbe; describes a verb, adjective or an entire clause; gives more information about place, time, manner or reason; French adverbs don’t change their form

vite, bien, fort

ici, hier, malheureusement, très

Adverbial Expression

locution adverbiale; group of words that act as an adverb

à ce moment-là, en haut, pas du tout


accord; when we change the ending of a word to agree in terms of number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine); adjectives, past participles and verbs change their endings

Hélène est tombée.

Lucas et Pauline sont fatigués.

Animate Noun


small word used before a noun; can be masculine or feminine, singular or plural, definite or indefinite

le chien/la souris/les animaux (definite article)

un chien/une souris/des animaux (indefinite article)

Definite Article

article défini (= le, la, les); refers to a noun which is already known, identifiable or specific; equivalent to the English the

le pot

la table

les plats

Indefinite Article

article indéfini (= un, une, des); refers to a noun that is unspecific or general; equivalent to the English a/an

un pot

une table

des plats

Partitive Article

article partitif; the partitive articles are du, de la, de l’; they show an undetermined quantity of something; English expresses this with some/any or omits the article completely; French partitive articles appear before musical instruments, sports, uncountable nouns, food, drink, etc.

Je joue de la flûte.

Il faut boire de l’eau.

Je fais du foot.

Tu as du courage.

Article défini

Article indéfini

Article partitif


attribut; a noun, adjective, pronoun or entire clause that gives information about a noun; attached to a linking verb like être

Compare: Épithète

Magalie est la soeur de Christian

Elle est blonde et son frère est brun.

Jouer aux échecs avec son frère est son activité préférée.

Auxiliary Verb

verbe auxiliaire; help verb; the French auxiliaries are avoir and être; they form the compound tenses and the passive

Compare: Main Verb

J’ai raconté une histoire.

Je suis tombé.





Cardinal Numbers

nombres cardinaux; cardinal numbers are numbers in their basic form; used for counting, prices, calculations, etc.

Compare: Ordinal Numbers

un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, …


cédille; a hook or tail added to the bottom of the letter c to show that it is pronounced as [s]; without the cedilla, c is pronounced as [k]

le garçon

la leçon


proposition; part of a sentence, usually containing a subject and a verb

See also: Main Clause, Subordinate Clause

Marcel joue au foot tous les samedis.

Closed Question

interrogation totale; question that does not contain a question word and can be answered with oui or non

Est-ce que tu as froid?


comparatif; when we compare two people or things; there are three structures we use to make comparatives in French: plus … que (= more … than), moins … que (less … than) and aussi … que (= just as … as)

See also: Superlative

Les biscuits sont aussi bons que les gâteaux.

Les biscuits sont moins chers que les gâteaux.

Les gâteaux sont plus chers que les biscuits.

Complément d’objet direct

Complément d’objet indirect

Complément du nom

Compound Noun

Concrete Noun


conditionnel; can be a tense or a mood and is often translated with would/could; as a tense it expresses the future in the past; as a mood it expresses a hypothetical situation in the future, a wish, a potential outcome, etc.

L’année dernière, je pensais que je partirais en Afrique. (future in the past)

J’aimerais être en vacances. (wish)

Conditional Clause

proposition conditionnelle; clause that begins with si and expresses a condition

Si j’ai du temps cet après-midi, je t’aiderai.

Conjugated Verb

verbe conjugué; when the verb’s ending has been changed to match the subject and reflect the mood and tense

Compare: Infinitive

tu parles

il a parlé

elle parlait

je parlerai


conjonction; linking word that connects two words or clauses; there are two types of French conjunctions: coordinating and subordinating

mais, et, ou, parce que, comme, bien que

Coordinating Conjunction

conjonction de coordination; type of linking word that connects two words or clauses that have equal status (i.e. each one can stand independently)

car, donc, et, mais, ni, or, ou

Subordinating Conjunction

conjonction de subordination; type of linking word that connects two words or clauses where one is dependent on the other (i.e. its meaning is incomplete when it stands alone)

J’ai faim parce que je n’ai pas mangé cet après-midi.

Consecutive Clause

proposition consécutive; subordinate clause that expresses a consequence or result

Il s’est excusé tous les jours si bien qu’elle lui a enfin pardonné.


consonne; letter that isn’t a vowel

Compare: Vowel

b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z

Coordinating Conjunction

Countable Noun


Definite Article

Demonstrative Determiner

déterminant démonstratif; similar to this/these/that/those in English; they allow us to identify a noun more specifically in relation to the distance from the speaker(s); the demonstrative determiners are: ce, cette, ces

Compare: Demonstrative Pronoun

Ce mouton est mignon.

Cette fille est grande.

Demonstrative Pronoun

pronom démonstratif; replaces a previously mentioned noun and identifies it more specifically in relation to the distance from the speaker(s)

Compare: Demonstrative Determiner

Les moutons sont ceux du berger.

Regarde ces fleurs! Celle-là me plaît particulièrement.

Déterminant démonstratif

Déterminant indéfini

Déterminant possessif


déterminant; word used before a noun to identify it more specifically or assign it a specific quality; determiners agree in gender and number with the noun they modify

Compare: Pronoun

See also: Demonstrative Determiner, Indefinite Determiner, Possessive Determiner

Un mouton se promène dans le pré. Ce mouton est mignon.

Voilà ma voiture.

Quelles langues parles-tu?


tréma; two dots placed above the letters e, i or u to alter their pronunciation; can also appear above the letter y but only in proper nouns




square des Cloÿs

Direct Object

complément d’objet direct; the direct object receives the action of the verb; never introduced by a preposition and stands immediately after the verb; often abbreviated to CD or COD

Compare: Indirect Object

J’ai acheté une pomme.

Direct Speech

discours direct; repetition of a statement in its original wording; indicated by quotation marks («…») and introduced by a reporting verb (dire, affirmer …) and a colon

Compare: Indirect Speech

Hier, Sophie m’a dit : « Ta robe est vraiment jolie. J’aimerais bien avoir la même! »

Discours direct

Discours indirect



adjective or past participle that comes immediately after a noun; unlike an attribute, it is not introduced by a linking verb

Compare: Attribute

Le chat noir, fatigué, dormait sur un canapé moelleux


Futur composé

Futur proche

future tense formed with aller + infinitive; expresses actions and intentions expected to happen in the near future

Christine va partir dans deux minutes.

Future Perfect

futur antérieur; tense that expresses an action that will have already happened prior to a second point in the future; can also express assumptions about the present

Il aura réparé son vélo dans quelques minutes. Ensuite nous pourrons partir.

Future Simple

futur simple; tense used for projects, intentions, assumptions and plans for the future

Tu ne finiras jamais en une journée.

Demain, je rangerai ma chambre.



genre; whether a noun is grammatically masculine (un, le) or femenine (une, la)

la fille, le garçon, la table, le pot






gérondif; the gerund is en + participe présent; it shows that two actions are carried out simultaneously by the same subject; can sometimes be translated with while/when …ing

Compare: Present Participle

En jouant Max a cassé la plante de sa mère.






impératif; mood used to give orders and commands




imparfait; expresses repeated past actions as well as actions that were in progress at a certain moment in the past; often used to set the scene

Quand j’étais jeune, je jouais du piano.

Inanimate Noun

Indefinite Article

Indefinite Determiner

déterminant indéfini; comes before a noun to express an unspecific or unknown quantity; allows us to speak generally

Compare: Indefinite Pronoun

Quelques personnes se promenaient encore dans les allées du parc.

Je ne l’ai pas vu depuis plusieurs semaines.


Indefinite Pronoun

pronom indéfini; allows us to talk generally or vaguely about an unknown quantity; similar to something/nothing/anything etc. in English

Compare: Indefinite Determiner

tout/personne/rien/chaque/chacun/quelque chose

Independent Clause



indicatif; the default grammatical mood in French; expresses facts and events in the past present and future tenses

Compare: Subjunctive, Imperative

Il a oublié son cahier. 

Indirect Object

complément d’objet indirect; the indirect object receives the direct object of the sentence; in our example; the boy (indirect object) receives the apple (direct object); always introduced by a preposition; abbreviated to CI or COI

Compare: Direct Object

J’ai donné la pomme au garçon.

Indirect Question

interrogation indirecte; question that is contained within a clause; not set off by quotation marks; introduced by si or a question word like quel, comment …

Je me demande s’il va pleuvoir aujourd’hui.

Indirect Speech

discours indirect; when we report what someone has said without repeating their exact words; introduced by a reporting verb (dire, affirmer, prétendre …) but without quotation marks; the tense, pronouns and time/place references must be adapted from the original

Compare: Direct Speech

Il m’a dit qu’il avait acheté ça au supermarché.



infinitif; base form of the verb ending in er, -ir, -oir

Compare: Conjugated Verb

aller, demander, dormir

Interrogation indirecte

Interrogation partielle

Interrogation totale


a word is invariable when it does not alter its form to agree in terms of gender or number; prepositions and adverbs are invariable, as are certain nouns

devant, pour, lentement, l’argent


question avec inversion du sujet; question formed by inverting the order of the subject and the verb so that the verb comes first

Comment vas-tu?

Charlotte est-elle à la maison?

Irregular Verb

verbe irrégulier; a verb that doesn’t follow the typical conjugation patterns

Compare: Regular Verb

être, avoir, aller



when a word ending in a consonant is followed by a word starting with a vowel or silent h, we link their pronunciation; this linking is called liaison;

  • the final consonants s and x become [z]
  • the final consonant d becomes [t]
  • no linking when an s is followed by a silent h




but: grands hommes

Locution adverbiale


Main Clause

proposition indépendante; clause that can stand alone; it does not rely on another clause to complete its meaning

Compare: Subordinate Clause

Je vais à la piscine dans une heure.

Je suis contente car je suis en vacances.

Main Verb

verbe principal; in compound tenses, the main verb carries the meaning of the sentence

Compare: Auxiliary Verb

Est-ce que tu as vu le feu d’artifice ?

Mise en relief

expressions that allow us to emphasise a certain word or phrase; use c’est … qui to emphasise the subject and c’est … que to emphasise the object

C’est lui qui a tort.

Ce qui me dérange, c’est qu’il est toujours en retard.

Moi, je vais bien et toi?

Modal Verb

verbe modal; type of help verb that alters the meaning of the main verb; modal verbs can express certainty, possibility, necessity, wishes, etc.; always followed by an infinitive

See also: Auxiliary Verb, Infinitive, Main Verb

Il sait nager.

Nous souhaitons participer.

Il doit partir.




mode; the mood of the verb reflects the speaker’s intention or attitude towards the information being presented; French has four personal moods: the indicative (standard mood), the subjunctive (doubt, obligation, impossibility …), the conditional (wishes, conditions …) and the imperative (orders)

See also: Indicative, Subjunctive, Conditional Imperative

Je fais mes devoirs. (indicative)

Il faut que je fasse mes devoirs. (subjunctive)

Je ferait mes devoirs demain si j’avais le temps. (conditional)

Ma mère m’a dit : « Fais tes devoirs! » (imperative)



Nasal Vowel

nasale; group of letters (vowel + n) that are pronounced with a nasal sound; French has four nasal vowels: [õ], [œ̃], [ɛ̃], and [ɑ̃], although [œ̃] is mostly pronounced as [ɛ̃]

[ɑ̃] vent, maman

[ɛ̃] vin

[õ] ils vont

[œ̃] un, le plus souvent prononcé [ɛ̃]



Nom abstrait

Nom animé

Nom composé

Nom concret

Nom dénombrable

Nom inanimé

Nom indénombrable

Nom propre

Nom propre



Nombres cardinaux

Nombres ordinaux


nom or nom commun; naming word; can be masculine or feminine; singular or plural; often introduced by an article (un/une, le/la, les/des) or determiner

See also: Singular, Plural, Gender

la maison, le soleil, une personne, une idée

Abstract Noun

nom abstrait; a noun that refers to a non-material object, i.e. an idea, quality or state

la justice, le bien-être, la vérité

Animate Noun

nom animé; a noun that refers to a living entity (e.g. human, animal, etc.)

Compare: Inanimate Noun

un enfant, une danseuse, un papillon

Compound Noun

nom composé; a noun made up of two or more words, sometimes connected with a hyphen

le porte-monnaie, l’arc-en-ciel, la brosse à dents

Concrete Noun

nom concret; a noun that refers to something real, material or concrete

Compare: Abstract Noun

le pain, la montagne, le chien

Countable Noun

nom dénombrable or nom comptable; noun that refers to things that can be counted; can appear in singular and plural and can be introduced by the indefinite article (un/une) or a number

Compare: Uncountable Noun

une pomme, deux pommes

un arbre, aucun arbre, tous les arbres

Inanimate Noun

nom inanimé; noun that refers to a non-living entity, such as an object, phenomenon, feeling, concept, state, etc.

Compare: Animate Noun

la chaise, le ticket de métro, la joie, la fatigue

Proper Noun

nom propre; noun that begins with a capital letter; typically first and last names, countries, cities, etc.

Madame Dupont, Louis XIV, Toulouse, le Canada

Romain habite à Lyon.

Uncountable Noun

nom indénombrable or nom non comptable; a noun that cannot be counted and cannot be introduced by a number; rarely (if ever) used in the plural form

Compare: Countable Noun

le lait, la gentillesse, le sable

Noun Complement

complément du nom; when we use de + noun to express possession or belonging; similar to ’s or of in English

C’est la maison de mes parents.

Le vélo de Pierre est beau.


nombre; whether a word is singular or plural

Compare: Singular, Plural

garçon – garçons


Object Pronoun

pronom complément d’objet direct/indirect; replaces the noun that is the object of the sentence; can be direct or indirect

See also: Direct Object, Indirect Object

me, te, le, la, lui, nous, vous, les, leur

moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles

Open Question

interrogation partielle; question with a question word

Quelle heure est-il?

Ordinal Numbers

nombres ordinaux; ordinal numbers are used to put things in order

Compare: Cardinal Numbers

le dix-neuvième siècle




Participe composé

Participe passé

Participe présent


participe; impersonal form of the verb; can be present, past or perfect; used to form compound tenses, the gerund, adjectives, etc.

See: Present Participle, Past Participle, Perfect Participle

Ils ont gagné le le match. (past participle)

C’était très passionnant. (present participle)

Son équipe ayant joué le samedi, Max se reposa le dimanche. (perfect participle)

Participle Clause

proposition participiale; subordinate clause where the verb is in the present, past or perfect participle

See also: Present Participle, Past Participle, Perfect Participle

Pierre ayant beaucoup travaillé, son chef le félicita.

Partitive Article

Passé composé

most important French past tense; expresses completed past actions and emphasises their results or consequences in the present; formed with avoir/être + past participle

Il a oublié son cahier. 

Passé simple

also: past historic; past tense that has the same meaning as the passé composé, but is only used in written language

L’année dernière, je partis en vacances en France.

Pendant que je visitais Saint-Malo, je pris beaucoup de photos.


passif, la voix passive, sentence that focuses on the recipient of the verb (the object); the person or thing performing the action (the subject) is unknown, unimportant or obvious

Compare: Active Voice

Le blessé est conduit à l’hôpital.

Passive Pronominal Verb

verbe pronominal de sens passif; verb that takes the reflexive pronoun se and whose subject is non-living; has a passive meaning

Comment ça se traduit?

Past Historic

Past Participle

participe passé; impersonal form of the verb used with être and avoir to form compound tenses

Compare: Present Participle, Perfect Participle

Hier j’ai diné à vingt heures.

Il m’a dit qu’il m’avait vu hier soir.


Perfect Participle

participe composé; compound form of the participle formed with ayant/étant + past participle; similar meaning to the English having said/done/been …

Compare: Past Participle, Present Participle

Son équipe ayant joué le samedi, Max se reposa le dimanche.

Périphrase verbale

Personal Pronoun

pronom personnel; replaces a previously mentioned noun in a sentence to avoid repetition

je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles

me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les

moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles




pluriel; word form that refers to more than one person or thing

Compare: Singular

Les cadeaux sont pour nous.




past tense that refers to an action that had already taken place prior to another past action

Martin est allé au supermarché. Avant il avait appelé sa copine pour demander ce qu’il fallait acheter.

Possessive Determiner

déterminant possessif; comes before a noun to indicate possession; agrees in gender and number with said noun; the possessive determiners are: mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes, son/sa/ses, notre/nos, votre/vos, leur(s)

Compare: Possessive Pronoun

C’est mon stylo. Il est dans ma trousse.

Je trouve que ta trousse est plus belle que la mienne.

Et regarde mon voisin, ses stylos marchent mieux que les miens!

Possessive Pronoun

pronom possessif; replaces a previously mentioned noun and indicates possession/belonging; equivalent to mine/yours/his etc. in English

Compare: Possessive Determiner

C’est mon livre. C’est le mien.


préposition; short word that gives information about place or time

Le chat est entré dans la cuisine. Il a sauté sur la table.


présent; tense that refers to facts and things that are currently true; sometimes refers to future actions

Je m’appelle Charlotte.

Mon équipe a un match important à 14 heures.

Present Participle

participe présent; impersonal verb form ending in -ant; can be used as an adjective, verb or as the subject of a clause; it is also used to form the gerund

See also: Gerund

C’était un match passionnant. (adjective)

Faisant partie de l’équipe, il a pu participer au match. (subject)

Pronom complément

Pronom démonstratif

Pronom indéfini

Pronom personnel

Pronom possessif

Pronom réfléchi

Pronom relatif

Pronom sujet

Pronominal Verb

verbe pronominal; a verb that takes a reflexive pronoun; French has different types of pronominal verbs

See also: Reflexive Verb, Reciprocal Verb, Passive Pronominal Verb

se lever (reflexive)

se parler (reciprocal)

se prononcer (passive)


Il pense qu’elle va nous aider.

Proper Noun



Proposition conditionnelle

Proposition consécutive

Proposition indépendante

Proposition principale

Proposition relative

Proposition subordonnée


Question with Inversion


Question with Rising Intonation

question avec intonation montante; when use use rising intonation to turn an affirmative sentence into a question

Il t’a appellé?

Question with est-ce que

questions with est-ce que are used in spoken language; they may or may not contain a question word; their form is always the same: est-ce que + affirmative clause

Est-ce que tu as faim?

Quand est-ce qu’il va revenir?


Reciprocal Verb

verbe réciproque; a verb that takes a reflexive pronoun and a plural subject; describes something two or more people do with/for/to each other

See also: Pronominal Verb, Reflexive Pronoun

Ils s’aiment beaucoup.

Reflexive Pronoun

pronom réfléchi; pronouns used with pronominal verbs

See also: Pronominal Verb

Je m’appelle Michelle.

Il se regarde dans le miroir.

Reflexive Verb

verbe réfléchi; verb where the subject and the object is the same; the action 'reflects back' on the person(s) performing it; always used with a reflexive pronoun

See also: Reflexive Pronoun, Pronominal Verb

Ils se lèvent tôt.

Regular Verb

verbe régulier; verb that follows standard conjugation rules

Compare: Irregular Verb

jouer (regelmäßig auf -er), finir (regelmäßig auf -ir)

Relative Clause

proposition relative; type of subordinate clause that gives additional information about a noun from the main clause (the antecedent)

Mon ami Marc, qui travaille beaucoup, rentre tard le soir.

Relative Pronoun

pronom relatif; introduces a relative clause

See also: Relative Clause

qui, que, qu’, quoi, dont, où


Signal Word

mot-clé; words that help us determine which tense to use; usually adverbs of time

Hier j’ai acheté un nouveau vélo.

Quand il était jeune, il travaillait souvent jusqu’au soir.


singulier; word form that refers to only one person or thing

Compare: Plural

Le cadeau est pour moi.


sujet; the subject of a clause is the person or thing that performs the action; usually placed first in a sentence directly before the verb

Ma mère est fatiguée.

Subject Pronoun

pronom sujet; replaces a noun that is the subject of the sentence

je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils



subjonctif; grammatical mood that indicates subjectivity or unreality; used in subordinate clauses with que; expresses possibilities, hypotheticals, wishes, doubts, advice, etc.

Compare: Indicative, Imperative

Il faut que je fasse mes devoirs.

Il se peut qu’il pleuve ce matin.

Subordinate Clause

proposition subordonnée; clause that cannot stand alone; it relies on the main clause to complete its meaning; introduced by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun

Compare: Main Clause

See also: Conditional Clause, Consecutive Clause, Participle Clause, Relative Clause

Je suis contente parce que je suis en vacances.

Subordinating Conjunction

Subordinating Conjunction






superlatif; expressing the highest degree of a particular quality; the superlative structures are le/la/les plus … and le/la/les moins …

Compare: Comparative

Elle est la meilleure danseuse que je connais.



syllabe; singular unit of pronunciation; one unbroken sound usually made up of a vowel or vowel sound and a surrounding consonants






temps; form of a verb that indicates whether the action takes place in the past, present or future

See also: Present, Passé composé, Imperfect, Plus-que-parfait, Futur proche, Future Simple, Future Perfect

Il parle. Il a parlé. Il parlera.






Uncountable Noun



verbe; doing word, French verbs end in -er, -ir or -re

See also: Main Verb, Auxiliary Verb, Modal Verb

jouer, aller, être, finir

Verbal Periphrasis

périphrase verbale; grammatical structure made up of two or more verbs

Je vais participer au séminaire.

Sylvie vient de rentrer de vacances.

Il est en train de réparer sa moto.

Verbe auxiliaire

Verbe conjugué

Verbe irrégulier

Verbe modal

Verbe principal

Main Verb

Verbe pronominal

Verbe pronominal de sens passif

Verbe réciproque

Verbe réfléchi

Verbe régulier

Voix active

Voix passive



voyelle; letter that isn’t a consonant

Compare: Consonant

a, i, e, o, u, y




Yes/No Question