Adjective or Adverb – Free Exercise

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Decide if you need an adjective or an adverb to complete the sentences.

  1. Thomas est . Il travaille .1. modifying a noun (Thomas) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (il travaille) → adverb
    Thomas is slow.
    He works slowly.
  2. Ils apprennent le français . Le français est une langue .1. modifying a verb (ils apprennent) → adverb
    2. modifying a noun (une langue) → adjective
    They learn French easily.
    French is an easy language.
  3. Max est un chanteur. Il chante .1. modifying a noun (Max) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (il chante) → adverb
    Max is a good singer.
    He sings well.
  4. Le vent est froid aujourd’hui. Le vent froid est .1. modifying an adjective (froid) → adverb
    2. modifying a noun (le vent) → adjective
    It’s terribly cold today.
    The cold wind is terrible.
  5. C’est une actrice . Elle a joué son rôle bien.1. modifying a noun (une actrice) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (elle a joué) → adverb
    She is an excellent actress.
    She played her role excellently.
  6. Ludivine est une fille . Elle est montée sur l’échelle.1. modifying a noun (une fille) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (elle est montée) → adverb
    Ludivine is a careful girl.
    She climbed the ladder carefully.
  7. Le chien est . Il saute sur les gens.1. modifying a noun (le chien) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (il saute) → adverb
    The dog is dangerous.
    He jumps up on people dangerously.
  8. Le petit garçon est . Je suis allé le réconforter et il m’a regardé .1. modifying a noun (le garçon) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (il a regardé) → adverb
    The little boy is sad.
    I went to comfort him and he looked at me sadly.
  9. Il m’a dit d’être avec mon frère. Je lui ai promis que je me comporterai avec lui.1. use an adjective after être
    2. modifying a verb (je me comporterai) → adverb
    He told me to be nice to my brother.
    I promised him that I would be nice to him.
  10. Sabine sait faire la cuisine . La dernière fois, elle a préparé une soupe .1. modifying a verb (faire) → adverb
    2. modifying a noun (une soupe) → adjective
    Sabine cooks wonderfully.
    Last time, she made a wonderful soup.
  11. Fabien joue au hockey. C’est le plus joueur de son équipe.1. modifying a verb (il joue) → adverb
    2. modifying a noun (joueur) → adjective
    Fabien plays hockey badly.
    He’s the worst player on his team.
  12. Claire est une coureuse . Elle court .1. modifying a noun (une coureuse) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (elle court) → adverb
    Claire is a fast runner.
    She runs fast.
  13. Nous n’avons pas pu prendre l’avion car le vol était . Nous avons oublié d’acheter une place en avance.1. modifying a noun (le vol) → adjective
    2. modifying a verb (oublier) → adverb
    We couldn’t fly because the flight was already fully booked.
    We completely forgot to book in advance.
  14. Le professeur a été avec moi, car je suis arrivé en retard en cours.1. modifying a noun (le professeur) →adjective
    2. modifying another adverb (en retard) → adverb
    The teacher was horrible to me because I was horribly late to class.
  15. Ce bouquet de fleurs est beau. Est-ce que ce sont de fleurs?1. modifying an adjective (beau) → adverb
    2. modifying a noun (fleurs) → adjective
    This bouquet is really beautiful.
    Are the flowers real?