Grammatical Gender – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct definite article.

  1. professeurnoun ending in -eur = masculinethe teacher
  2. danseusenoun ending in -euse = femininethe dancer
  3. chienthe noun chien is generally masculine; if we specify a female dog it is la chienne.the dog
  4. tourismenoun ending in -isme = masculinethe tourism
  5. cuisinenoun ending in -ine = femininethe kitchen

Choose the correct indefinite article.

  1. J’ai surprise pour toi!noun ending in -ise = feminineI have a surprise for you!
  2. Quelle horreur, voilà sorcière!nouns ending in -(i)ère = feminineHow horrible, there’s a witch!
  3. C’est acteur très connu.nouns ending in -eur = masculineHe’s a very well-known actor.
  4. Je veux adopter chien.noun ending in -ien = masculineI’d like to adopt a dog.
  5. Est-ce que tu as idée?nouns ending in -ée = feminineDo you have an idea?

Choose the correct article. Don’t forget about the exceptions.

  1. trainIt’s best to just learn the gender along with the noun, or to look it up in the dictionary.the train
  2. sourisSouris is an irregular word. It’s best to just learn the gender along with the noun, or to look it up in the dictionary.a mouse
  3. maisonMaison is an irregular word. It’s best to just learn the gender along with the noun, or to look it up in the dictionary.the house
  4. écoleIt’s best to just learn the gender along with the noun, or to look it up in the dictionary.a school
  5. nomIt’s best to just learn the gender along with the noun, or to look it up in the dictionary.the name