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Change the cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers.
- quatre → remove the final -e of quatre before adding -ièmefourth
- dix-huit → take the cardinal number and add -ième to get the ordinal numbereighteenth
- cinquante-cinq → when changing cinq into an ordinal number, we add a -u before adding -ièmefifty-fifth
- une → the ordinal form of un/une is irregularfirst
- vingt-neuf → the -f in neuf changes to a -v in the ordinal formtwenty-ninth
Write out the ordinal numbers.
- 12e → take the cardinal number and add -ième to get the ordinal numbertwelfth
- 3e → take the cardinal number and add -ième to get the ordinal numberthird
- 70e → take the cardinal number and add -ième to get the ordinal numberseventieth
- 1er → the ordinal form of un/une is irregularfirst
- 64e → remove the final -e of quatre before adding -ièmesixty-fourth
Write the ordinal numbers in numerical form.
- quarante-septième → add -e to signify an ordinal number47th
- premier → the abbreviation for un corresponds to the final two letters of premier1st
- dixième → add -e to signify an ordinal number10th
- vingt-cinquième → add -e to signify an ordinal number25th
- trente et unième → add -e to signify an ordinal number31st