Placement – Free Exercise

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Is the position of the adverb correct or incorrect?
(For incorrect sentences, the correct version will be displayed in the blue info bubbles that appear after checking your answers.)

  1. Nous avons aidé notre enfant hier à faire ses devoirs.
    correct placement: Hier nous avons aidé notre enfant à faire ses devoirs.
    or: Nous avons aidé notre enfant à faire ses devoirs hier.
    adverbs referring to an entire clause come at the beginning or end of the clause
    Yesterday, we helped our child with their homework.
  2. Il n’a jamais pris l’avion.
    jamais is the second part of the negation so comes after the conjugated verbHe’s never flown before.
  3. Elle a changé beaucoup depuis la dernière fois.
    correct placement: Elle a beaucoup changé depuis la dernière fois.
    When the verb is conjugated in a compound tense, shorter adverbs (bien, mal …), adverbs of manner or amount (beaucoup, trop, assez …) and certain adverbs of time (souvent, toujours, trop, quelque fois …) are placed before the participe passé
    She’s changed a lot since last time.
  4. Vous mangez tranquillement le dessert.
    adverbs usually come after the finite verb when it is conjugated in a simple (non-compound) tenseYou’re calmly eating your dessert.
  5. Anna et Zoé sont allées ensemble au cinéma.
    ensemble always comes after the verb it modifiesAnna and Zoé went to the cinema together.
  6. J’ai trouvé le repas dans ce nouveau restaurant réellement très bon.
    adverbs that refer to adjectives or to other adverbs are placed before the adjective or adverb they modifyI thought the meal at the new restaurant was really very good.
  7. Sûrement ils viendront à 8 heures.
    correct placement: Ils viendront sûrement à 8 heures.
    sûrement and certainement are never placed at the beginning of a sentence
    They’re bound to come at 8 o’clock.
  8. Je ne peux pas t’aider souvent à faire tes devoirs.
    adverbs that refer to an infinitive are placed after said infinitiveI can’t help you with your homework often.
  9. Pendant le concert, la chanteuse a chanté bien.
    correct placement: Pendant le concert, la chanteuse a bien chanté.
    when the verb is conjugated in a compound tense, shorter adverbs (bien, mal …), adverbs of manner or amount (beaucoup, trop, assez …) and certain adverbs of time (souvent, toujours, trop, quelque fois …) are placed before the participe passé
    During the concert, the singer sang well.
  10. Certainement il aura oublié ses clefs.
    correct placement: Il aura certainement oublié ses clefs.
    sûrement and certainement are never placed at the beginning of a sentence
    He will have definitely forgotten his keys.