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Combine the two clauses into one sentence.
To note: some subjunctions require the subjonctif.
- Je suis malade. Je ne vais pas travailler demain.
→ parce que Sentence structure remains unchanged.I’m not going to work tomorrow because I’m sick.
- J’ai demandé à beaucoup de gens. Personne n’a pu m’aider.
→ mais Sentence structure remains unchanged.I asked many people, but no one could help me.
- Je dois travailler. Je n’ai pas envie.
→ quoique quoique + subjonctifI have to work even though I don’t feel like it.
- Tu me rends visite. Je te montre ma collection.
→ si Sentence structure remains unchanged.I’ll show you my collection if you visit me.
- Je t’attends. Tu reviens.
→ jusqu’à ce que jusqu’à ce que + subjonctifI’ll wait for you until you return.
- Tu rentres de vacances. Appelle-moi.
→ dès que Sentence structure remains unchanged.Call me as soon as you’re back from your holidays.
- Tu as du temps. Nous allons au restaurant.
→ quand Sentence structure remains unchanged.We’ll go to a restaurant when you have time.
- Il pleut. Ils restent à la maison.
→ donc Sentence structure remains unchanged.It’s raining, so they’re staying home.
- Tu me donnes un livre. Je peux le lire.
→ pour que pour que + subjonctifYou give me a book so that I can read it.
- Le livre sera livré demain. Je le pense.
→ que le is omitted, because the dependent clause becomes the direct object.I think the book will be delivered tomorrow.