aller/venir – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. Je à la piscine. Tu veux avec moi ?1. Aller expresses a movement away from the speaker towards another place|The preposition à introduces the destination|2. Venir expresses the idea of accompanimentI’m going to the pool. Do you want to come with me?
  2. Le collègue de Flavie de Pékin.Venir refers to origin; the preposition de introduces the country or place of origin.Flavie’s colleague comes from Beijing.
  3. Les enfants de terminer leurs devoirs.We use venir de + infinitive to form the passé récent.The kids have just finished their homework.
  4. Ce week-end, nous faire de la plongée.Use aller + infinitive to form the futur proche.This weekend, we are going to go diving.
  5. Éric à la bibliothèque après les cours.Aller expresses a movement away from the speaker towards another place.|The preposition à introduces the destination.Éric goes to the library after class.

Complete the sentences with the conjugated form of aller or venir.

  1. Aujourd’hui, Madame Muffin   chez le coiffeur.Use aller to express a movement away from the speaker towards another place.|The preposition à introduces the destination.Today, Madame Muffin is going to the hairdresser’s.
  2. Mes voisins   d’un petit village en Bretagne.Venir expresses origin; the preposition de introduces the country or place of origin.My neighbours come from a small village in Brittany.
  3. S’il pleut toute la soirée, je   rester à la maison et regarder un film.We use aller + infinitive to form the futur proche.If it rains all night, I’m going to stay home and watch a film.
  4. Nous   voir une exposition au musée,   donc avec nous !1. Use aller to express a movement away from the speaker towards another place.|The preposition à introduces the destination.|2. Venir expresses the idea of accompaniment.We’re going to see an exhibition at the museum, come with us!
  5. Je   au supermarché, est-ce que je dois acheter du lait ?Use aller to express a movement away from the speaker towards another place.|The preposition à introduces the destination.I’m going to the supermarket, should I buy milk?