an/année – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. —Quel âge as-tu ?
    —J’ai 17 .We use an with cardinal numbers to express someone’s age.—How old are you?
    —I’m 17 years old.
  2. Charlotte apprend l’allemand depuis plusieurs .No cardinal number, emphasis placed on duration = annéeCharlotte has been learning German for many years.
  3. J’aimerais habiter dans un endroit où il fait beau tout au long de l’ .No cardinal number, emphasis placed on duration = annéeI’d like to live in a place where the weather is nice all year long.
  4. Julien travaille en Australie. Il doit faire renouveler son visa tous les .Referring to years as a unit of time = anJulien works in Australia. He has to renew his visa every year.
  5. Monsieur et Madame Carreau partent en vacances deux fois par .Referring to years as a unit of time, counting = anMonsieur and Madame Carreau go on holiday twice a year.

Choose the correct option.

  1. La famille Trèfle est revenue de vacances hier .Specific point in the day = matinThe Trèfle family came back from holiday yesterday morning.
  2. Est-ce que tu as passé une bonne  ?Referring to the entire duration of the evening = soiréeDid you have a nice evening?
  3. Ce semestre, j’ai cours tous les à la fac.Counting the days of the week as individual units of time = jourThis semester, I have classes at the uni every day.
  4. Bernard a rendez-vous chez le médecin dans la .Feminine article la = matinéeBernard has a doctor’s appointment in the morning.
  5. Mais qu’est-ce qu’ils font de leurs  ?Referring to the day in its entirety, from start to finish = journéeBut what do they do with their days?
  6. Tu viens à la fête demain  ?Specific point in time = soirAre you coming to the party tomorrow night?