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Complete the sentences with cours or classe.
- Lorsque la cloche a sonné, tous les élèves sont sortis de la .Use classe to refer to the classroom.When the bell rang, all the students left the classroom.
- Les enfants ont fait de beaux dessins et les ont accrochés dans la .Use classe to refer to the classroom.The kids did some nice drawings and hung them in the classroom.
- Corentin devrait mieux écouter les , sinon il va rater les examens.Use cours to refer to a specific lesson or class.Corentin has to pay more attention in class, if not, he’s going to fail the exams.
- Le de physique était très intéressant aujourd’hui.Use cours to refer to a specific class or subject.Physics class is very interesting today.
- Ulysse et son frère ne sont pas dans la même .Use classe to talk about a group of students who are taught together.Ulysse and his brother aren’t in the same class.