Comparatives and Superlatives in French grammar

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What are comparative and superlative adjectives?

The comparative (le comparatif) allows us to compare two nouns. There are three types of comparison: moins … que (less … than), aussi … que (as … as) and plus … que (more … than). The superlative (le superlatif) compares one thing against a whole group and expresses the idea of the most (le plus …) or the least (le moins …).

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Marc est aussi rapide que Chloé. Amir est plus rapide que Marc. Amir est le plus rapide. Amir est le coureur le plus rapide.

How to form comparatives in French

The comparative is constructed with aussi … que (as … as), plus … que (more … than) or moins … que (less … than). The adjective ending agrees with the gender and number of the noun it is describing.

Marc est aussi rapide que Chloé.Marc is as fast as Chloé.
Amir est plus rapide que Marc.Amir is faster than Marc.
Marc est moins rapide qu’Amir.Marc is not as fast as Amir.

How to form superlatives in French

Le superlatif expresses the highest degree of a quality. We construct the superlative by using le/la/les plus + adjective or le/la/les moins + adjective. The adjective’s ending agrees with the noun it is describing.

Amir est le plus rapide.Amir is the fastest.
Amir est le coureur le plus rapide.Amir is the fastest runner.
Chloé est la coureuse la plus lente.Chloé is the slowest runner.

Irregular comparatives and superlatives in French

  • Certain adjectives use à instead of que to form the comparative.
    inférieur àsmaller than, inferior to
    postérieur àlater than, after…
    supérieur àlarger than, superior to
    antérieur àearlier than, before…
  • Some adjectives have irregular comparative forms.
    Irregular Comparative Forms
    Positive Comparative Superlative
    bon meilleur le meilleur
    mauvais pire le pire
    petit (a little, not much)
    but: petit (small)
    plus petit
    le moindre
    le plus petit