Endings – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the feminine forms of the adjectives.

  1. Tu peux poser le livre sur la (petit)   table.add an -e to the adjectiveYou can put the book on the little table.
  2. Mon oncle a une voiture (rouge)  .adjective already ends in an -e → no changeMy uncle has a red car.
  3. Mon ami répare la machine à laver (cassé)  .add an -e to the adjectiveMy friend is repairing the broken washing machine.
  4. C’est une histoire (captivant)  !add an -e to the adjectiveThat’s an exciting story!
  5. Ne laisse pas la porte (ouvert)  !add an -e to the adjectivePlease don’t leave the door open!

Complete the sentences with the feminine forms of the adjectives. Watch out for exceptions and irregular forms.

  1. Où est-ce que je dois poser la (nouveau)   plante ?adjectives ending in -el take the ending -elle in the feminineWhere shall I put the new plant?
  2. Pour le dessert j’ai mangé une (bon)   glace.adjectives ending in -on take the ending -onne in the feminineFor dessert, I ate a delicious ice cream.
  3. Achète une salade bien (frais)   au marché !adjectives ending in -x, -c, -et and -s take various endings in the feminine, it’s best to check in a dictionary
    Buy some fresh lettuce at the market!
  4. Mes parents ont une (vieux)   photo de moi dans leur porte-monnaie.irregular adjective: vieuxvieilleMy parents have an old photo of me in their wallet.
  5. J’adore ma chemise (violet)  .adjectives ending in -x, -c, -et and -s take various endings in the feminine, it’s best to check in a dictionary
    I love my purple blouse.

Complete the sentences with the correct plural forms of the adjectives.

  1. Le tricycle appartient aux (petit)   enfants.masculine plural → add -sThe tricycle belongs to the little children.
  2. Nous avons vu des statues (grec)   dans ce musée.feminine plural
    adjectives ending in -x, -c, -et and -s take various endings in the feminine, it’s best to check in a dictionary
    We saw Greek statues in this museum.
  3. Il faut faire attention aux (faux)   billets.adjective ending in -s → no changeYou have to watch out for counterfeit money.
  4. Mon amie Charlotte aime les (vieil)   immeubles.irregular adjective: vieilvieuxMy friend Charlotte likes old buildings.
  5. Mon frère lit des mangas (japonais)  .adjective ending in -s → no changeMy brother reads Japanese manga.

Choose the correct form.

  1. Ma soeur s’occupe de ses poissons .masculine plural → add -sMy sister is taking care of her goldfish.
  2. Ma maman vient d’acheter des boucles d’oreille .multi-word colour adjective → no changeMy mother just bought apple-green earrings.
  3. Tu as des chaussures !colloquial adjectives like chic, super, sympa remain unchanged in the feminine and pluralYou have cool shoes!
  4. Pendant l’été j’ai vu deux films .masculine plural → add -sDuring the summer I saw two fantastic films.
  5. Tes amies sont vraiment très .adjectives ending in -x, -c, -et and -s take various endings in the feminine, it’s best to check in a dictionary
    feminine plural: sérieuxsérieuses
    Your friends are really very serious.