Interrogative Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Write questions asking for the underlined part of the sentence.

  1. Léonard de Vinci a peint La Joconde.
      ?asking about the subject, which is a person → quiLeonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
    Who painted the Mona Lisa?
  2. Je cherche une chemise propre dans l’armoire.
      ?asking about the direct object, which is a thing → queI’m looking for a clean shirt in the wardrobe.
    What are you looking for in the wardrobe?
  3. Nous nous souvenons très bien de notre lune de miel.
      ?asking about the indirect object, which is a thing, using dede quoiWe remember our honeymoon very well.
    What do you remember very well?
  4. Juliette parle à Stéphane.
      ?asking about the indirect object, which is a person, using àà quiJuliette is speaking to Stéphane.
    Who is Juliette speaking to?
  5. Vous parlez souvent de votre nouvel appartement.
      ?asking about the indirect object, which is a thing, using dede quoiYou often talk about your new apartment.
    What do you often talk about?

Quel as interrogative adjective - Choose the correct form of quel.

  1. langues as-tu apprises ?langues = feminine plural → quellesWhat languages have you learned?
  2. film voulez-vous aller voir au cinéma ?film = masculine singular → quelWhich film do you want to see at the cinema?
  3. robe dois-je porter pour la fête ?robe = feminine singular → quelleWhich dress should I wear for the party?
  4. tram doit-on prendre jusqu’à la gare ?tram = masculine singular → quelWhich tram should I take to the station?
  5. joueurs sont les meilleurs de l’équipe ?joueurs = masculine plural → quelsWhich players are the best on the team?

Complete the gaps with the correct form of the interrogative pronoun lequel or one of its combined forms.

  1. Tu t’es inscrit à un cours de français?   ?cours = masculine singular → lequel
    à + lequel = auquel
    You signed up for a French class? Which one?
  2.   des deux bouteilles de vin dois-je ouvrir en premier ?bouteille = feminine singular → laquelleWhich of the two bottles of wine should I open first?
  3. Je suis parti de la gare Saint-Lazare pour aller à Brest. Et toi, tu es parti   pour aller à Strasbourg ?gare = feminine singular → laquelle
    partir takes the preposition de de laquelle
    I left from Saint-Lazare station to go to Brest. What about you, which station did you leave from to go to Strasbourg?
  4.   des deux joueurs de tennis a remporté la compétition ?joueur = masculine singular → lequelWhich of the two tennis players won the competition?
  5.   de mes CD veux-tu m’emprunter ?CD = masculine singular → lequel
    or: masculine plural → lesquels
    Which of my CDs do you want to borrow?