Demonstrative Pronouns and Determiners in French
What are demonstrative pronouns in French?
Demonstrative pronouns and determiners (les pronoms et déterminants démonstratifs) are words that help us to specify which thing or person in a group we are referring to in particular.
In French, the demonstratives are ce, cet, celui-ci, celui-là and their variations.
Depending on their grammatical role in the sentence, these words can be pronouns (which replace nouns) or determiners (which appear together with a noun). They correspond to the English pronouns this/that/these/those.
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Cliente : Comme ces bijoux sont beaux ! J’aimerais essayer l’un de vos colliers, s’il vous plaît.
Vendeuse : Lequel ? Celui-ci ou celui-là ?
Cliente : Celui qui se trouve en haut. Et j’aimerais aussi essayer cette bague.
Vendeuse : Bien sûr ! Et ces boucles d’oreilles vous iraient à ravir. Voulez-vous les essayer aussi ?
Cliente : Non, je préfère celles du présentoir de gauche.
French demonstrative pronouns and determiners
Person | Demonstrative Determiner | Demonstrative Pronoun (simple) |
Demonstrative Pronoun (compound) |
Masculine | Singular | ce, cet | celui | celui-ci / celui-là |
Plural | ces | ceux | ceux-ci / ceux-là | |
Feminine | Singular | cette | celle | celle-ci / celle-là |
Plural | ces | celles | celles-ci / celles-là | |
Indefinite form | – | ce | ceci / cela / ça |
How to use demonstrative pronouns and determiners in French
Demonstrative pronouns replace a noun, while demonstrative determiners accompany the noun they modify.
- The French demonstrative pronouns are celui/ceux in the masculine and celle/celles in the feminine. If the noun does not appear explicitly in the sentence, we use a demonstrative pronoun in its place to single it out from a group.
- Example:
- Je parle de celui qui se trouve en haut. I’m talking about the one on top.
- Je préfère celles du présentoir de gauche. I prefer the ones in the display case on the left.
- In French, there are also compound forms of the demonstrative pronouns: celui-ci, celle-ci, celui-là, celle-là. The forms ending in -ci indicate something that’s close to the speaker (from ici – here). The forms ending in -là indicate something that’s farther away from the speaker (là-bas – there).
- Example:
- Lequel? Celui-ci ou celui-là? Which one? This one or that one?
- Demonstrative determiners are used before a noun. Ce, cet, cette, ces are different from normal articles in that they emphasise one specific thing.
- Example:
- Comme ces bijoux sont beaux ! This jewellery is so beautiful!
- J’aimerais essayer cette bague. I’d like to try on this ring.
Demonstrative determiners
Demonstrative determiners always come directly before a noun.
- Example:
- Ces boucles d’oreilles vous iraient à ravir. These earrings would look great on you.
We only use the masculine singular form cet when the noun begins with a vowel or a silent h.
- Example:
- Cet endroit est super pour faire du shopping. This place is great for shopping.
If we’re using the compound form in this situation, the -ci/-là is attached directly to the noun.
- Example:
- J’aimerais essayer ce collier-ci. I’d like to try this necklace.
- Je préfère ce collier-là. I prefer that necklace.
Demonstrative pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns (les pronoms démonstratifs) stand alone — they do not accompany a noun, they stand in its place.
- Example:
- Ces boucles d’oreilles sont celles du présentoir de gauche. These earrings are the ones from the display case on the left.
- Celles-là étaient placées sur le présentoir de droite.Those were in the display case on the right.
The simple form is used when the demonstrative pronoun is followed by:
- de
- Example:
- Ces boucles d’oreilles sont celles du présentoir de gauche.These earrings are the ones from the display case on the left.
- by a relative pronoun
- Example:
- Celui qui se trouve en haut. The one at the top.
In all other situations, we use the compound form of the demonstrative pronoun.
Indefinite demonstrative pronouns
The indefinite demonstrative pronoun ce (c' before a vowel) is used with the verb être to refer to part of a sentence or an entire clause. It is similar to this/that is in English.
They can refer to a part of a sentence or to an entire clause. We express this similarly in English with this/that.
- Example:
- C'est le collier que je préfère. That’s the necklace I prefer.
Note: ce is always used in the singular, regardless of whether the verb is in the singular or the plural.
- Example:
- Ce sont les boucles d’oreilles que je préfère. These are the earrings I prefer.
- ce + plural verb
For verbs other than être, we use ça.
- Example:
- Ça me plaît beaucoup. I like that a lot.
The forms ceci and cela can be used with all verbs (including être). They are often used in written French, but in spoken French we prefer to use the contracted form ça.
- Example:
- Je trouve ceci très beau.
- → Je trouve ça très beau. I think this is really beautiful.