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Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined part of the sentence with an object pronoun.
- Est-ce que je peux emprunter un CD à tes parents?
→ ?indirect object-pronoun, 3rd person plural = leurCan I borrow a CD from your parents?
→ Can I borrow a CD from them?
- Nous avons vu ce film.
→ .direct object-pronoun, 3rd person singular = le
when le comes before a vowel or a silent h, we write l’We saw this film.
→ We saw it.
- Est-ce que tu aimes les pommes?
→ ?direct object-pronoun, 3rd person plural = lesDo you like apples?
→ Do you like them?
- Vous donnerez ce livre à Sarah.
→ .indirect object-pronoun, 3rd person singular = luiYou will give Sarah this book.
→ You will give her this book.
- Nous sommes allés au cinéma avec Julien et Stéphanie.
→ .preposition → strong-form object-pronoun
3rd person plural = euxWe went to the cinema with Julien and Stéphanie.
→ We went to the cinema with them.