Relative Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns.

  1. Voici l’école   je suis allé.relative pronoun referring to a place/location → Here’s the school where I went.
  2. Est-ce que tu as déjà lu le livre   je t’ai offert l’année dernière?relative pronoun referring to the direct object → queHave you already read the book that I gave you last year?
  3. Depuis notre voyage à Paris, nous savons   a construit le Sacré Cœur.relative pronoun referring to the subject → quiSince our trip to Paris, we know who built the Sacré Cœur.
  4. Est-ce que vous vous souvenez du film   nous avions parlé la semaine dernière?relative pronoun is part of an adverbial construction with dedontDo you remember the film that we talked about last week?
  5. Ils ont parlé du prochain voyage  ils feront.relative pronoun referring to the direct object → que
    que becomes qu’ before a vowel or a silent h
    They talked about the next trip that they’re going to take.

Choose the correct relative pronoun.

  1. Je ne comprends pas tu veux me dire.the relative pronoun refers to the entire clause → it begins with ce
    function of the relative pronoun = direct object → ce que
    I don’t understand what you want to tell me.
  2. La serveuse m’a demandé j’avais besoin.the relative pronoun refers to the entire clause → it begins with ce
    function of the relative pronoun = adverbial construction with dece dont
    The waitress asked me what I needed.
  3. La police lui a demandé s’est passé.the relative pronoun refers to the entire clause → it begins with ce
    function of the relative pronoun = subject → ce qui
    The police asked him what happened.
  4. Est-ce que vous savez déjà vous ferez demain?the relative pronoun refers to the entire clause → it begins with ce
    function of the relative pronoun = direct object → ce que
    Do you already know what you’re doing tomorrow?
  5. Il semble déprimé mais ses parents ne savent pas il a en ce moment.the relative pronoun refers to the entire clause → it begins with ce
    function of the relative pronoun = direct object → ce que
    que becomes qu’ before a vowel or a silent h
    He seems depressed, but his parents don’t know what’s wrong with him right now.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of lequel or one of its combined forms.

  1. C’est bien le jeu   nous pensons.jeu = masculine singular → lequel
    penser à
    à + lequel = auquel
    This is exactly the game we were thinking of.
  2. Il ne sait pas   des deux brosses à dents il doit choisir.brosse à dents = feminine singular → laquelleHe doesn’t know which of the two toothbrushes to pick.
  3. Voici l’homme avec   j’ai été mariée pendant 15 ans.homme = masculine singular → lequelHere is the man I was married to for 15 years.
  4. Elle demande à son amie   des deux collants elle préfère.collant = masculine singular = lequelShe asks her friend which of the two pairs of tights she prefers.
  5. Voici le plongeoir   j’ai sauté pour la compétition de saut à la piscine.plongeoir = masculine singular → lequel
    sauter de
    de + lequel = duquel
    Here is the diving board that I jumped from during the diving competition at the pool.