Questions – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct question-word.

  1. a acheté ce CD? - Marina.asking about the subject - the person who bought the CDWho bought this CD? - Marina.
  2. est ta nouvelle voiture? - Rouge avec de grandes roues.question about traits/characteristicsWhat is your new car like? - Red with big wheels.
  3. avez-vous mangé à la cantine? - Des frites.asking about an object - not a personWhat did you eat in the cafeteria? - Chips.
  4. es-tu triste? - Parce que mon frère me manque.asking about a reasonWhy are you sad? - Because I miss my brother.
  5. veux-tu partir? - Après le repas.question about timeWhen do you want to get going? - After the meal.

Yes-no questions – Use the words in brackets to construct questions that can be answered with either yes or no. Use the présent.

  1. (Tu/avoir/faim)   Yes-no questions can be asked by changing word order or by using est-ce que.Are you hungry?
  2. (Nous/ressembler/à nos parents)   Yes-no questions can be asked by changing word order or by using est-ce que.Do we resemble our parents?
  3. (Elle/rentrer/tard)   Yes-no questions can be asked by changing word order or by using est-ce que.Is she coming back late?
  4. (Ils/aimer/la purée de banane)  Yes-no questions can be asked by changing word order or by using est-ce que.Do they like banana puree?
  5. (Vous/attendre/le bus)  Yes-no questions can be asked by changing word order or by using est-ce que.Are you waiting for the bus?

Ask about the underlined part of the sentence.

  1. Les enfants aiment les animaux.   asking about the objectChildren like animals.
  2. Ils s’entraînent dans la cour.   asking about a placeThey practise in the courtyard.
  3. Ce bouquet est pour Maman.   asking about a person, with a prepositionThis bouquet is for Mum.
  4. Le film commence à 20 heures.   asking about timeThe film begins at 8 pm.
  5. Le pâtissier fait les meilleurs gâteaux.   asking about the subject (person)The pastry chef makes the best cakes.