Conditional sentences in French

What are French conditional clauses?

Conditional clauses (les propositions conditionelles) are if-sentences; they express an action that can only take place if a certain condition is met. Conditional clauses can usually be recognised by the connecting word si.

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Christine : « Marc, aujourd’hui je veux faire un gâteau. Peux-tu m’aider ? »

Marc : « Si j’ai du temps cet après-midi, je t’aiderai. »

Christine : « Marc, peux-tu m’aider à faire un gâteau ? »

Marc : « Si j’avais du temps, je t’aiderais. Mais je dois faire mes devoirs. »

Christine : «Le gâteau est maintenant terminé. Tu avais dit que tu voulais m’aider ! »

Marc : « Si j’avais eu du temps, je t’aurais aidée. Mais je devais faire mes devoirs ! »

Real Condition

Real conditions are realistic possibilities that have a good chance of coming true (Maybe I’ll have time later). In the subordinate clause (the if-clause), we use the présent and in the main clause we use the futur or the présent.

Si j’ai le temps, je t’aiderai/aide.If I have time I will help you.
It’s possible that I will have time later.

To Note

If we are referring to a specific time in the future (such as in the example above), we have to use the futur in the main clause.

Si j’ai du temps cet après-midi, je t’aiderai.

Unreal condition in the present

When we talk about a condition that is impossible in the present or is impossible in the future (I don’t have time), we use the imparfait in the if-clause and the conditionnel présent in the main clause.

Si j’avais le temps, je t’aiderais.If I had time, I would help you.
For one reason or another, I don’t/won’t have time.

Unreal condition in the past

To talk about an alternative past condition and its hypothetical outcome (I didn’t have time), we use the plus-que-parfait in the if-clause and the conditionnel passé in the main clause. We often refer to this as the “unreal past” (l’iréel dans le passé).

Si j’avais eu le temps, je t’aurais aidée.If I had had time, I would have helped you.
In the past I didn’t have time, but this sentence imagines an alternative past.