Le conditionnel: the conditional in French
What is le conditionnel?
Le conditionnel (the conditional) can be used in French as a tense and as a mood. As a tense, le conditionnel expresses the future seen from a past point of view. As a mood, the conditional allows us to talk about a hypothetical or imagined reality that can only occur under certain circumstances.
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Daphné aimerait partir en vacances au soleil.
L’année dernière, elle pensait qu’elle pourrait partir en Martinique mais les billets d’avion étaient trop chers.
Cette année, elle s’est dit : « Si j’économisais une belle somme tous les mois, j’aurais assez d’argent pour aller où je veux ! »
When to use le conditionnel in French
Le conditionnel is often translated with would or could in English. In French, we use the conditional in the following cases:
- to express a wish, a possibility, or a hypothesis in the present or the future (conditionnel présent) or in the past (conditionnel passé)
- Example:
- Daphné aimerait partir en vacances au soleil.Daphné would like to go on holiday somewhere sunny.
- as a tense to talk about the future from a past point of view
- Example:
- L’année dernière, elle pensait qu’elle pourrait partir en Martinique.Last year, she thought she might go to Martinique.
- in if-clauses
- Example:
- Si j’économisais une belle somme tous les mois, j’aurais assez d’argent pour aller où je veux ! If I saved a good amount each month, I’d have enough money to go wherever I want!
- to make polite requests
- Example:
- Est-ce que tu pourrais me prêter un peu d’argent ?Could you lend me some money, please?
How to conjugate le conditionnel in French
Conditionnel présent
We form the conditionnel présent by adding the imparfait endings to the stem of the futur simple form of the verb.
Person | -er verbs | -ir verbs | -re verbs |
1st person singular (I) | j’aimerais | je finirais | je vendrais |
2nd person singular (you) | tu aimerais | tu finirais | tu vendrais |
3rd person singular (he/she/it) | il aimerait | il finirait | il vendrait |
1st person plural (we) | nous aimerions | nous finirions | nous vendrions |
2nd person plural (you) | vous aimeriez | vous finiriez | vous vendriez |
3rd person plural (they) | ils aimeraient | ils finiraient | ils vendraient |
The verbs avoir and être are irregular.
Person | avoir | être |
1st person singular (I) | j’aurais | je serais |
2nd person singular (you | tu aurais | tu serais |
3rd person singular (he/she/it) | il aurait | il/elle/on serait |
1st person plural (we) | nous aurions | nous serions |
2nd person plural (you) | vous auriez | vous seriez |
3rd person plural (they) | ils/elles auraient | ils/elles seraient |
To conjugate any French verb in the conditional, go to the verb conjugator.
Tip: the exceptions in the conditionnel présent are the same as those in the futur simple.
- Add a grave accent to an é or e that appears in the final syllable of the verb stem.
- Examples:
- peser – je pèserais
- modeler – je modèlerais
- Some verbs ending in -eler/-eter double their final consonants before adding the ending.
- Example:
- jeterto throw – je jetterais
- The i in certain -rir verbs disappears when we add the endings.
- Examples:
- courirto run – je courrais
- mourirto die – je mourrais
- For verbs ending in yer, y becomes i. For verbs ending in ayer, both y and i are allowed. (Note: the following verbs don’t follow this pattern: envoyer → j’enverrais and renvoyer → je renverrais.)
- Example:
- employerto employ – j’emploierais, tu emploierais, il emploierait, nous emploierions, vous emploieriez, ils emploieraient
- payerto pay – je payerais/paierais
- Verbs ending in -oir, as well as the verbs aller, envoyer, faire and venir, are irregular. To see their full conjugations, go to the list of irregular verbs.
- Example:
- pouvoirto be able to – je pourrais, tu pourrais, il pourrait, nous pourrions, vous pourriez, ils pourraient
Conditionnel passé
The conditional passé corresponds to the English structure would have + past participle. We use it to look back on past situations and express alternative outcomes. To conjugate the conditionnel passé we use the conditional form of avoir/être followed by the participe passé of the verb.
Person | -er verbs | -ir verbs | -re verbs |
1st person singular (I) | j’aurais aimé | j’aurais fini | j’aurais vendu |
2nd person singular (you) | tu aurais aimé | tu aurais fini | tu aurais vendu |
3rd person singular (he/she/it) | il aurait aimé | il aurait fini | il aurait vendu |
1st person plural (we) | nous aurions aimé | nous aurions fini | nous aurions vendu |
2nd person plural (you) | vous auriez aimé | vous auriez fini | vous auriez vendu |
3rd person plural (they) | ils auraient aimé | ils auraient fini | ils auraient vendu |
In negative sentences, the past participle comes after the second part of the negation (pas).
- Example:
- J’aurais rigolé. → Je n’aurais pas rigolé.I would have laughed.→ I wouldn’t have laughed.
Je serais parti.→ Je ne serais pas parti. I would have left.→ I wouldn’t have left.
For reflexive verbs, we put the reflexive pronoun and the auxiliary verb between the two parts of the negation (ne … pas).
- Example:
- Je ne me serais pas trompé dans mon calcul.I I wouldn’t have miscalculated.
Avoir or être
Most verbs construct the conditionnel passé with avoir. The auxiliary verb être is used:
- with 14 verbs of motion and staying still: naître/mourirto be born/to die, aller/venirto go/to come, monter/descendreto go up/to go down, arriver/partirto arrive/to leave, entrer/sortirto enter/to go out, apparaîtreto appear, resterto stay, retournerto return, tomberto fall and their related forms such as: revenirto come back, rentrerto go back in, remonterto go back up, redescendreto go back down, repartirto leave again.
- Example:
- Je serais parti en vacances en Bretagne.I would have gone to Brittany on holiday.
- with reflexive verbs
- Example:
- Je me serais trompé dans mon calcul.I would have miscalculated.
We use avoir when descendre, (r)entrer, (re)monter, retourner and sortir are followed by a direct object. In this case, the meaning of the verb often changes.
- Example:
- À quelle heure serais-tu sorti ? What time would you have left?
but: Aurais-tu sorti les carottes du frigo ? Would you have taken the carrots out of the fridge?
Participe passé
For the regular -er/-ir/-re verbs, the participe passé is easy to construct:
- If the infinitive ends with -er, the participle ends with é
- Example:
- aimer – aimé
- If the infinitive ends with -ir, the participle ends with i
- Example:
- finir – fini
- If the infinitive ends with -re, the participle ends with u
- Example:
- vendre - vendu
For the irregular verbs, we have to look up the participle forms in the list of irregular verbs, check their conjugation in the verb conjugator — or simply learn their forms by heart.
Agreement of the participe passé
For certain verbs, the participe passé must agree in gender and number.
- For verbs constructed with être, the participle agrees in gender and number with the subject of the sentence.
- Examples:
- Il serait parti en vacances.He would have gone on holiday.
Elle serait partie en vacances.She would have gone on holiday.
Ils seraient partis en vacances.They would have gone on holiday.
Elles seraient parties en vacances.They (only women) would have gone on holiday.
- For verbs that are constructed using avoir, the participle agrees in gender and number with a direct object that comes before the verb. This direct object can take three possible forms: a personal pronoun (me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les), the relative pronoun que, or a noun that comes before the verb (in questions and exclamations).
- Examples:
- Le maître aurait interrogé l’écolier. → Il l’aurait interrogé.The teacher would have asked the student.
- Le maître aurait interrogé l’écolière. → Il l’aurait interrogée.The teacher would have asked the student. (female)
- Le maître aurait interrogé les écoliers. → Il les aurait interrogés.The teacher would have asked the students. (males)
- Le maître aurait interrogé les écolières. → Il les aurait interrogées.The teacher would have asked the students. (all female)
- In the case of reflexive verbs (which always take être as their auxiliary in the conditionnel passé), the past participle generally agrees with the subject.
- Example:
- Nous nous serions levés trop tard.We would have got up too late.
- The exception to this concerns direct objects: the participle does not agree if the reflexive verb is followed by a direct object.
- Example:
- Elle se serait lavé les mains.She would have washed her hands. (Elle se serait lavé quoi? → les mains)
- → but: Elle se serait lavée.She would have washed herself.
- Remember: the past participle never agrees with an indirect object:
- Example:
- Marie et Laurent se seraient téléphoné.Marie and Laurent would have called each other on the phone.
- → se = indirect object
- The participe passé does not agree with the subject of the following verbs: se téléphonerto call each other, se parlerto talk to each other, se mentirto lie to each other, se plaire (complaire/déplaire)to like each other, se sourireto smile at each other, se rireto laugh at each other, se nuireto hurt each other, se succéderto succeed each other, se suffireto be enough, se ressemblerto look like each other, s’en vouloirto be annoyed with each other. This is because the reflexive pronoun is an indirect object. It is used in the sense of “each other” for these verbs.
se rendre compte
Note: the past participle of se rendre compte doesn’t change its ending to agree with the subject.
- Example:
- Elle se serait rendu compte de son erreur.She would have realised her mistake.
- not:
se serait rendue compte