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Complete the gaps with the conditionnel présent of the verbs in brackets.
- Je pensais que tu (être) à la maison dimanche.2nd person singular: future form of être + ais ending.I thought you would be at home on Sunday.
- Elle (vouloir) un nouveau vélo. 3rd person singular: future form of vouloir + ait ending.She would like a new bicycle.
- Selon les sondages, les Français (boire) plus de vin que les Allemands.3rd person plural: future form of boire + aient ending.According to surveys, the French drink more wine than the Germans.
- Est-ce que vous (pouvoir) fermer la porte? 2nd person plural: future form of pouvoir + iez ending.Could you please close the door?
- David croyait que nous (prendre) l’avion. 1st person plural: future form of prendre + ions ending.David thought we would fly.
Complete the gaps with the conditionnel présent of the verbs in brackets.
- Si je gagnais au loto, j’(acheter) une Porsche.1st person singular: future of acheter + ais ending.If I won the lottery, I would buy a Porsche.
- Si tu m’aidais, nous (finir) plus vite.1st person plural: future of finir + ions ending.If you helped me, we’d be done sooner.
- S’ils avaient du temps, ils (venir) me rendre visite en février.3rd person plural: future of venir + aient ending.If they had time, they would come and visit me in February.
- S’il faisait beau, vous (pouvoir) aller dans le parc.2nd person plural: future of pouvoir + iez ending.If the weather were nice, you could go to the park.
- Si tu faisais attention, tu ne (casser) pas les verres.2nd person singular: future of casser + ais ending.If you paid attention, you wouldn’t break the glasses.
Complete the sentences with the conditionnel passé of the verbs in brackets.
- Il (devoir) faire plus attention.conditionnel of avoir + participé passé of devoirHe should have been more careful.
- Simone et Christine (vouloir) partir plus tôt.conditionnel of avoir + participe passé of vouloirSimone and Christine would have liked to leave earlier.
- Nous (être) plus rapides en prenant cette rue.conditionnel of avoir + participé passé of êtreWe would have been quicker if we’d taken this street.
- Selon les sondages, les Allemands (dormir) plus que les Français ces dernières années.conditionnel of avoir + participé passé of dormirAccording to surveys, the Germans have slept more than the French in the past few years.
- Vous pensiez que vous (arriver) trop tard.conditionnel of être + participé passé of arriverYou thought that you had arrived too late.