en/dans – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct response.

  1. Il y a de bonnes bouteilles de vin la cave de grand-père.Dans = inside.There are some good bottles of wine in Grandad’s cellar.
  2. Victor Hugo a écrit Notre-Dame de Paris 1830.Use en to talk about years.Victor Hugo wrote “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame” in 1830.
  3. Loïc habite le quartier depuis cinq ans.Dans = inside a specific place or area.Loïc has lived in this neighbourhood for five years.
  4. Raphaëlle est en retard, elle doit se préparer cinq minutes.Use en to express the time required to accomplish an action.Raphaëlle is running late, she has to get ready in five minutes.
  5. Nous partons en vacances un mois.Use dans to refer to a point in the future when something is expected to happen.We’re going on holiday in a month.

Complete the sentences with dans or en.

  1. Le film commence   une heure.Use dans to refer to a future time point when an action is expected to happen.The film starts in an hour.
  2. La farine est   le placard à droite.Dans = inside.The flour is in the cupboard on the right.
  3. J’ai rencontré Aude   allant au marché.En + gerund.I met Aude when I was going to the shop.
  4. Il y avait beaucoup de monde   le métro ce soir.Use dans to talk about being inside a mode of transport.There were lots of people on the metro tonight.
  5. Joël travaille   une ferme   Bretagne.1. dans = inside a specific place or area.
    2. Use en with regions whose names are feminine (La Bretagne).
    Joël works on a farm in Brittany.