puis/depuis – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option: puis or depuis.

  1. Sarah s’habilla en vitesse, elle enfila ses chaussures avant de dévaler l’escalier en trombe.Puis is an adverb similar to then: it introduces a new action and shows the order of events in a narrative.Sarah got dressed quickly, then she put on her shoes before hurrying down the stairs.
  2. Madame Dubois habite dans le quartier vingt ans.Depuis is a preposition similar to for and since; it expresses the duration of an action that began in the past and continues up to the moment of speaking.Madame Dubois has lived in the neighbourhood for 20 years.
  3. Florianne n’est pas allée chez le coiffeur plusieurs années.Depuis is a preposition similar to for and since; it expresses the duration of an action that began in the past and continues up to the moment of speaking.Florianne hasn’t been to the hairdresser’s for several years.
  4. Le ministre lut attentivement le document, il le signa.Puis is an adverb similar to then: it introduces a new action and shows the order of events in a narrative.The minister read the document carefully, then he signed it.
  5. Le chat prit son élan, il sauta sur le mur du jardin.Puis is an adverb similar to then: it introduces a new action and shows the order of events in a narrative.The cat took a run-up then jumped onto the garden wall.

Complete the sentences with puis or depuis.

  1. Le vent se leva,   la pluie se mit à tomber.Puis is an adverb similar to then: it introduces a new action and shows the order of events in a narrative.The wind picked up, then the rain started to fall.
  2. J’ai l’impression de ne pas être partie en vacances   une éternité !Depuis is a preposition similar to for and since; it expresses the duration of an action that began in the past and continues up to the moment of speaking.I feel like I haven’t been on holiday for ages!
  3.   quand habitez-vous dans cette maison ?Depuis is a preposition similar to for and since; it expresses the duration of an action that began in the past and continues up to the moment of speaking.How long have you been living in this house?
  4. Pour aller au travail, Joséphine doit prendre le métro,   le bus.Puis is an adverb similar to then: it introduces a new action and shows the order of events in a narrative.To get to work, Joséphine has to take the metro, then the bus.
  5. Les lumières se sont éteintes,   le spectacle a commencé.Puis is an adverb similar to then: it introduces a new action and shows the order of events in a narrative.The lights went down, then the show began.