Relative Clauses – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct relative pronoun.

  1. La maison je suis né n’existe plus.referring to a location → The house where I was born doesn’t exist anymore.
  2. Ce à je pense ne t’intéresse pas.referring to ce and representing an indirect object (signal: à) → quoiWhat I’m thinking about wouldn’t interest you.
  3. Mes enfants, je vois peu, m’écrivent régulièrement.referring to the direct object of the sentence (mes enfants)queMy children, whom I rarely see, write to me often.
  4. La veste il rêve est hors de prix.the verb rêver takes the preposition dedontThe jacket that he dreams about is very expensive.
  5. C’est une région attire de nombreux touristes.referring to the subject of the sentence (une région)quiIt’s a region that attracts a lot of tourists.

Turn the underlined part of the sentence into a relative clause by using relative pronouns.

  1. C’est une moto. Tu as acheté une moto.
    → Est-ce la moto   ? la moto = direct object → relative pronoun que
    the past participle agrees with the object moto
    feminine singular → add an -e
    Is this the motorbike that you bought?
  2. Tu as un tatouage. Tu as imaginé le dessin de ton tatouage.
    → Tu as un tatouage  . preposition de → relative pronoun dontYou have a tattoo whose design you thought up yourself.
  3. Sylvie porte une jupe. Elle a peint une fleur sur sa jupe.
    → Sylvie porte la jupe  .la jupe = direct object
    preposition sursur laquelle
    Sylvie is wearing the skirt on which she has painted a flower.
  4. Mes cousins ont un ami. Cet ami habite à Francfort.
    → Mes cousins ont un ami  . un ami = subject of the sentence → relative pronoun quiMy cousins have a friend who lives in Frankfurt.
  5. Voici mon amie. Je lui ai prêté ma voiture.
    → Voici l'amie  . l’amie = indirect object
    préter takes the preposiiton àà qui/à laquelle
    This is the friend who has borrowed my car.

Choose the correct relative pronoun, paying attention to number and gender.

  1. La blessure à cause j’ai raté la course me fait mal.blessure = feminine singular → laquelleThe injury that caused me to miss the race is hurting.
  2. Le magasin je suis allé était minuscule.magasin = masculine singular → auquelThe shop I went into was tiny.
  3. Les chemins par tu passes ne sont pas les plus simples.chemins = masucline plural → lesquelsThe roads you take are not the easiest.
  4. Les dames avec il travaille l’apprécient.dames = feminine plural → lesquellesThe women with whom he works appreciate him.
  5. L’exposé pour j’ai tant travaillé a été reporté.exposé = masculine singular → lequelThe presentation I worked so hard on was postponed.