apporter/emporter – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. Hier, j’ai pique-niqué avec des amis. Chacun avait quelque chose à manger.Use apporter when we bring an object from one place to another. The focus is on the destination or the recipient.Yesterday, I had a picnic with some friends. Everyone brought something to eat.
  2. Le serveur son café à la cliente.Use apporter when we bring an object from one place to another. The focus is on the destination or the recipient.The waiter is bringing the customer his coffee.
  3. Tu es sûr de vouloir tous ces livres avec toi ? Ta valise va être bien lourde !Use emporter when we take an object with us when we leave a place. The focus is on the movement away from the point of origin towards another place.Are you sure you want to take all of those books with you? Your suitcase is going to be really heavy!
  4. Tiphaine du café et des gâteaux à son grand-père tous les week-ends.Use apporter when we bring an object from one place to another. The focus is on the destination or the recipient.Tiphaine brings coffee and cakes to her grandad every weekend.
  5. —J’aimerais un café au lait, s’il vous plaît.
    —Ce sera sur place ou à  ?Use emporter when we take an object with us when we leave a place. The focus is on the movement away from the point of origin towards another place.—I’d like a white coffee, please.
    —For here or to take away?

Complete the sentences with the conjugated forms of apporter or emporter.

  1. Il faut   un tapis de gymnastique et une couverture au cours de yoga.Use apporter when we bring an object from one place to another. The focus is on the destination or the recipient.You have to bring a mat and a blanket to the yoga class.
  2. J’  toujours mes huiles essentielles quand je pars en voyage.Use emporter when we take an object with us when we leave a place. The focus is on the movement away from the point of origin towards another place.I always take my essential oils with me when I go on holiday.
  3. Martin a   son matériel de magicien pour nous montrer des tours de magie.Use apporter when we bring an object from one place to another. The focus is on the destination or the recipient.Martin has brought his magician’s kit to show us magic tricks.
  4. Le vent a soufflé si fort cette nuit qu’il a   la tonnelle du jardin !Use emporter when we take an object with us when we leave a place. The focus is on the movement away from the point of origin towards another place.The wind was so strong tonight that that it took the gazebo with it!
  5. Lorsqu’on va à la montagne, il faut   des pulls bien chauds.Use emporter when we take an object with us when we leave a place. The focus is on the movement away from the point of origin towards another place.When you go to the mountain, you have to take really warm jumpers.