connaître/savoir – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. Daniel bien Rennes, il a vécu dans cette ville pendant six ans.Use connaître to express familiarity with a place, person or thing.
    Connaître is always used with a noun or proper noun.
    Daniel knowns Rennes really well, he lived there for six years.
  2. Alfred et moi, nous nous sommes à l’université.Use connaître to express familiarity with a person, place or thing.
    Connaître is always used with a noun or proper noun.
    Alfred and I met at university.
  3. Est-ce que tu quand Laurette revient de vacances ?Use savoir to talk about something we’ve learned: information, facts, abilities, etc.
    Savoir can be followed by an infinitive or a subordinate clause.
    Do you know when Laurette comes back from her holiday?
  4. Il faut que tu m’expliques comment venir chez toi, je ne pas le chemin.Use connaître to express familiarity with a place, person or thing.
    Connaître is always used with a noun or proper noun.
    You have to explain how to get to your place, I don’t know the way.
  5. Florent et Tibo qu’il y aurait beaucoup à faire.Use savoir to talk about something we’ve learned: information, facts, abilities, etc.
    Savoir can be followed by an infinitive or a subordinate clause.
    Florent and Tibo knew that there would be a lot to do.

Complete the sentences with the conjugated forms of savoir or connaître.

  1. Le petit Sam   déjà compter jusqu’à 100.Use savoir to talk about something we’ve learned: information, facts, skills, abilities, etc.
    Savoir can be followed by an infinitive or a subordinate clause.
    Little Sam can already count to 100.
  2. L’entreprise   une période difficile.Connaître can also mean to experience or be in a certain situation.
    Connaître is always followed by a noun or proper noun.
    The company is experiencing a difficult time.
  3. Nous cherchons un chanteur ou une chanteuse pour notre groupe de musique. Est-ce que tu   quelqu’un qui   chanter ?1. Connaître expresses familiarity with a person, place or thing.
    Connaître is always followed by a noun or a proper noun.
    2. Savoir talks about skills, abilities, facts and information that have been learned.
    Savoir can be followed by an infinitive or a subordinate clause.
    We’re looking for a singer for our band. Do you know anyone who can sing?
  4. Je ne   pas pourquoi le magasin est fermé.Savoir talks about skills, abilities, facts and information that have been learned.
    Savoir can be followed by an infinitive or a subordinate clause.
    I don’t know why the shop is closed.
  5. Est-ce que tu   déjà ce que tu veux pour Noël ?Savoir talks about skills, abilities, facts and information that have been learned.
    Savoir can be followed by an infinitive or a subordinate clause.
    Do you already know what you want for Christmas?