rentrer/revenir/retourner – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. Quand est-ce que tu à la maison ce soir ?Use rentrer when you return home (place of residence or home country).When are you coming home tonight?
  2. La pause déjeuner est terminée, Aude doit au travail.Retourner means to go back to a place that is different from where you are located at the moment of speaking.Her lunch break is over, Aude has to go back to work.
  3. Olivier et Sabine sont en vacances, ils dans une semaine.Revenir means to come back to the place you are located at the moment of speaking.Olivier and Sabine are on holiday, they come back in a week.
  4. J’ai oublié d’acheter du lait, je au supermarché.Retourner means to go back to a place that is different from where you are located at the moment of speaking.I forgot to buy milk, I’m going back to the supermarket.
  5. Monsieur Niaouli a eu beaucoup de travail hier, il est très tard chez lui.Use rentrer when you return home (place of residence or home country).Monsieur Niaouli had lots to do yesterday, he got home very late.

Complete the sentences with rentrer, revenir or retourner. Don’t forget to conjugate the verb when necessary.

  1. Je vais me faire un café, je   dans deux minutes !Revenir means to come back to the place you are located at the moment of speaking.I’m going to make a coffee, I’ll be back in two minutes.
  2. Nous étions à Rome l’été dernier et nous avons très envie d’y   cette année.Retourner means to go back to a place that is different from where you are located at the moment of speaking.We were in Rome last summer and we really want to go back this year.
  3. Jules et Romain passent leurs vacances à Aix-en-Provence. Ils adorent cette ville et espèrent y   l’année prochaine.Revenir means to come back to the place you are located at the moment of speaking.Jules and Romain are on holiday in Aix-en-Provence. They love this town and they hope they can come back next year.
  4. Marie s’est installée en Nouvelle-Zélande, elle   en France une fois par an pour voir sa famille.Use rentrer when you return home (place of residence or home country).Marie lives in New Zealand, she goes home to France once a year to see her family.
  5. Après une pause bien méritée, l’athlète   s’entraîner.Retourner means to go back to a place that is different from where you are located at the moment of speaking.After a well-earned break, the athlete went back to training.