Le futur antérieur – Free Exercise

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Do we need to use avoir or être? Choose the correct form.

  1. Il certainement perdu ses clefs.Perdre is conjugated with avoir.He’ll surely have lost his keys.
  2. Tu te peut-être trompé dans ton calcul.Reflexive verbs are conjugated with être.You’ll likely have miscalculated.
  3. Est-que vous déjà partis avant notre retour?Partir is conjugated with être.Will you already have left before we return?
  4. D’ici là nous revenus en France.Revenir is conjugated with être.By then we’ll have returned to France.
  5. J’ préparé mes bagages avant le départ.Préparer is conjugated with avoir.I’ll have prepared my luggage before the departure.

Complete the sentences with the futur antérieur form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. D’ici le mois de juin vous (déménager)   à Toulouse.2nd person plural: future form of avoir + past participle of déménager.
    -Er verbs construct the past participle with é.
    By June, you’ll have moved to Toulouse.
  2. Elles ne lui (poser)   pas   la question.3rd person plural: future form of avoir + past participle of poser.
    -Er verbs construct the past participle with é.
    They won’t have asked him.
  3. Tu (passer)   beaucoup de temps à la plage.2nd person singular: future form of avoir + past participle of passer.
    -Er verbs construct the past participle with é.
    You’ll have spent a lot of time at the beach.
  4. Jusqu’à la fin de la semaine j’(apprendre)   la chanson.1st person singular: future form of avoir + past participle of apprendre.
    Prendre and its derivatives are irregular verbs. See the list of irregular verbs.
    By the end of the week I’ll have learned the song.
  5. D’ici à demain nous (finir)   nos exercices.1st person plural: future form of avoir + past participle of finir.
    -Ir verbs construct the past participle with i.
    We’ll have finished our exercises by tomorrow.

Complete the sentences with the futur antérieur form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Jean (prendre)   certainement   un autre bus.3rd person singular: future form of avoir + past participle of prendre.
    Prendre is an irregular verb.
    See the list of irregular verbs.
    Jean will surely have taken a different bus.
  2. D’ici à demain tu (écrire)   la lettre.2nd person singular: future form of avoir + past participle of écrire. Écrire is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.You’ll have written the letter by tomorrow.
  3. D’ici à ce soir nous (courir)   15 km.1st person plural: future form of avoir + past participle of courir.
    Courir is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.
    We’ll have run 15 km by this evening.
  4. Ils (rentrer)   peut-être déjà   à la maison.3rd person plural: future form of être + past participle of rentrer.
    -Er verbs construct the past participle with é.
    For constructions using être, the participle agrees in gender and number with the subject (ils → masculine plural)
    Maybe they’ll have already gone home.
  5. D’ici là elle (se réveiller)   de nouveau  .3rd person singular: future form of être + past participle of se réveiller.
    For constructions using être, the participle agrees in gender and number with the subject (elle → feminine singular)
    By then she’ll have woken up again.