Le futur simple – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the futur simple form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Demain je (finir)   de lire cette bande-dessinée.1st person singular: We take the infinitive and add ai.Tomorrow, I will finish reading this comic book.
  2. La semaine prochaine il (visiter)   le nouveau musée.3rd person singular: We take the infinitive and add a.Next week, he will visit the new museum.
  3. Tu (prendre)   un thé.2nd person singular, -re verb: We take the infinitive, remove the final e and add as.You’ll have a tea.
  4. Nous (rester)   un jour de plus.1st person plural: We take the infinitive and add ons.We’ll stay one more day.
  5. Juliette et Camille (préparer)   le repas.3rd person plural: We take the infinitive and add ont.Juliette and Camille will prepare the meal.

Complete the sentences with the futur simple form of the verbs in brackets. Remember – not all verbs follow the regular conjugation rules.

  1. Est-ce que vous (aller)   à la piscine en été?Aller is an irregular verb.|See the list of irregular verbs.Will you go to the pool in the summer?
  2. Le week-end prochain ils (courir)   un marathon.For verbs ending in -rir, the i is omitted before adding the future ending.Next weekend, they’re going to run a marathon.
  3. Mardi prochain nous (pouvoir)   nous rencontrer.Pouvoir has a different word stem.|See the list of irregular Verbs.We’ll be able to meet next Tuesday.
  4. Le médecin (employer)   une nouvelle infirmière en septembre.For verbs ending in yer, y becomes i.The doctor will employ a new nurse in September.
  5. Demain je me (peser)   .We take the infinitive and add ai. The short e in the word stem receives a grave accent.I’ll weigh myself tomorrow.

Complete the sentences with the futur simple form of the verbs in brackets. Remember – not all verbs follow the regular conjugation rules.

  1. Quand est-ce que tu (être)   à Paris?Être is an irregular verb.|See the list of irregular verbs.When will you be in Paris?
  2. La bibliothèque (fermer)   pendant les vacances.3rd person singular: We take the infinitive and add a.The library will close during the holidays.
  3. Dans un mois ils (partir)   à Bordeaux.3rd person plural: We take the infinitive and add ont.In a month, they’re leaving for Bordeaux.
  4. À mon anniversaire j’(avoir)   plein de cadeaux.Avoir is an irregular verb.|See the list of irregular verbs.I’ll get loads of presents for my birthday.
  5. La semaine prochaine vous (modeler)   une sculpture.2nd person plural: We take the infinitive and add ez. The short e in the word stem receives a grave accent in the futur simple.Next week, you’re going to create a sculpture.