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Regular verbs.
Complete the sentences with the passé antérieur form of the verbs in brackets.
- Dès qu’elle (arrêter) de fumer, Christine se sentit plus en forme.Verb avoir in passé simple, 3rd person singular + past participle of arrêterAs soon as she had stopped smoking, Christine felt better.
- Aussitôt que nous (sortir) du musée, nous dépliâmes le plan de la ville pour organiser la suite de notre visite.Verb être in passé simple, 1st person singular + past participle of sortirAs soon as we had left the museum, we unfolded the map to plan the rest of our trip.
- Lorsqu’ils (vider) leurs verres, ils se levèrent tous à l’unisson.Verb avoir in passé simple, 3rd person plural + past participle of viderAfter they had emptied their glasses, they stood up in unison.
- Après que les policiers (arriver) la foule se dipersa.Verb être in passé simple, 3rd person plural + past participle of arriverAfter the police had arrived, the crowd dispersed.
- Dès que j’(apprendre) la nouvelle je me mis en chemin.Verb avoir in passé simple, 1st person singular + past participle of apprendreAs soon as I had heard the news, I set off on my way.
Irregular verbs.
Complete the sentences with the passé antérieur of the verbs in brackets.
- Dès que j’(ouvrir) la porte, l’alarme se déclencha.Verb avoir in passé simple, 1st person singular + past participle of ouvrir (irregular form → ouvert)As soon as I had opened the door, the alarm went off.
- Aussitôt qu’ils (découvrir) l’épave, ils avertirent le garde-côte.Verb avoir in passé simple, 3rd person plural + past participle of découvrir (irregular form → découvert)As soon as they had found the wreckage, they called the coast gaurd.
- Lorsque nous (voir) de quoi il s’agissait, nous vînmes chez vous pour vous raconter ce qu’il s’était passé.Verb avoir in passé simple, 1st person plural + past participle of voir (irregular form → vu)As soon as we saw what was going on, we came to your house to tell you what had happened.
- Quand elle (descendre) , elle se rappela qu’elle n’avait pas éteint la lumière.Verb être in passé simple, 3rd person singular + past participle of descendre (irregular form → descendu)
For verbs that are constructed using être, the participle agrees in gender and number with the subject → descendue (elle = feminine)When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she remembered that she hadn’t turned off the light.
- Dès que vous (revenir) de votre voyage, nous vînmes vous rendre visite.Verb être in passé simple, 2nd person plural + past participle of revenir (irregular form → revenu)
For verbs that are constructed using être, the participle agrees in gender and number with the subject → revenus (vous = plural)As soon as you had returned from your trip, we came to visit you.