Le passé composé – Free Exercise

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Do we need to use avoir or être? Choose the correct form.

  1. Elle mangé un gâteau.Manger is conjugated with avoir.She ate a biscuit.
  2. Nous partis en vacances.Partir is conjugated with être.We went on holiday.
  3. Est-ce que vous allés au restaurant?Aller is conjugated with être.Did you go to the restaurant?
  4. Michel fini son dessert.Finir is conjugated with avoir.Michel finished his dessert.
  5. Est-ce que tu t’ douché?Reflexive verbs are conjugated with être.Have you showered?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passé composé.

  1. Ils (écrire)   un livre.Present of avoir + past participle of écrire.
    Écrire is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular Verbs.
    They wrote a book.
  2. Juliette (regarder)   un film.Present of avoir + past participle of regarder.
    Er-verbs form the past participle with é.
    Juliette watched a film.
  3. Est-ce que Pierre (finir)   à 16 heures?Present of avoir + past participle of finir.
    Ir-verbs form the past participle with i.
    Did Pierre finish at 4 p.m.?
  4. J’(fermer)   la fenêtre.Present of avoir + past participle of fermer.
    Er-verbs form the past participle with é.
    I closed the window.
  5. François (se lever)   à 8 heures.Present of être + past participle of se lever.
    Reflexive verbs form the passé composé with être.
    Er-verbs construct the past participle with é.
    François got up at 8 o’clock.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passé composé. Don’t forget about exceptions such as irregular verbs and participle agreements.

  1. Est-ce que tu (lire)   ce livre?Present of avoir + past participle of lire.
    Lire is an irregular verb.
    See the list of irregular verbs.
    Have you read this book?
  2. Est-ce que vous (recevoir)   un paquet?Present of avoir + past participle of recevoir.
    Recevoir is an irregular verb.
    See the list of irregular verbs.
    Did you receive a parcel?
  3. Ils (se perdre)   dans la forêt.Present of être + past participle of se perdre.
    All reflexive verbs are conjugated with être.
    With être, the participle agrees in gender and number with the subject (ils = masculine plural)
    They got lost in the forest.
  4. Est-ce qu'elle (prendre)   le téléphone?Present of avoir + past participle of prendre.
    Prendre is an irregular verb.
    See the list of irregular verbs.
    Did she answer the phone?
  5. Léa et Sarah (partir)   hier.Present of être + past participle of partir.
    With être, the participle agrees in gender and number with the subject (Léa + Sarah = feminine plural)
    Léa and Sarah left yesterday.