Le passé récent – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the correct present tense form of the verb venir.

  1. Mes amis   de partir.3rd person plural of venir in the present: viennent.My friends have just left.
  2. Est-ce que tu   de m’appeler ?2nd person singular of venir in the present: viens.Did you just call me?
  3. Christine   d’apprendre une bonne nouvelle.3rd person singular of venir in the present: vient.Christine has just heard good news.
  4. Vous   de rater le train.2nd person plural of venir in the present: venez.You have just missed the train.
  5. Je   de voir mon professeur dans la rue.1st person singular of venir in the present: viens.I have just seen my teacher on the street.
  6. Les filles   de commencer à faire le gâteau.3rd person plural of venir in the present: viennent.The girls have just started making a cake.
  7. Nous   de terminer nos devoirs.1st person plural of venir in the present: venons.info::We have just finished our homework.

Complete the sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verb venir.

  1. Tu   de sortir lorsqu’il s’est mis à pleuvoir.2nd person singular of venir in the imparfait: venais.You had just gone out when it started to rain.
  2. Nous   de terminer le dessert lorsque les voisins ont sonné à la porte.1st person plural of venir in the imparfait: venions.We had just finished dessert when the neighbours rang the doorbell.
  3. Le musée   de fermer quand je suis arrivé pour voir les tableaux.3rd person singular of venir in the imparfait: venait.The museum had just closed when I arrived to see the paintings.
  4. Je   de m’endormir quand le téléphone a sonné.1st person singular of venir in the imparfait: venais.I had just fallen asleep when the phone rang.
  5. Les élèves   de s’asseoir quand le professeur est entré dans la classe.3rd person plural of venir in the imparfait: venaient.The pupils had just sat down when the teacher entered the classroom.
  6. Est-ce que vous   d’aller faire les courses quand je suis arrivé ?2nd person plural of venir in the imparfait: veniez.Had you just gone shopping when I arrived?
  7. Sophie   de laver le sol lorsque le paquet de farine tomba par terre.3rd person singular of venir in the imparfait: venait.Sophie had just mopped the floor when the packet of flour fell on the ground.