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Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 2nd person singular (tu).
- (parler/avec elle) ! 1st person singular present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -er ending of the infinitive and add -e
parler → parleTalk to her!
- (finir/ton exercice) ! 1st person singular present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -ir ending of the infinitive and add -is
finir → finisFinish your exercise!
- (attendre/là) ! 1st person singular present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -re ending and add -s
attendre → attendsWait there!
- (se perdre/ne pas) ! 1st person singular present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -re ending of the infinitive and add -s
perdre → perdsDon’t get lost!
- (se dépêcher) ! 1st person singular present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -er ending of the infinitive and add -e
se dépêcher → dépêche
add the corresponding stressed reflexive pronoun to the end of the imperativeHurry up!
Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 1st person plural (nous).
- (payer/l’addition) ! 1st person plural present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -er ending of the infinitive and add -ons
payer → payonsLet’s pay the bill!
- (prendre/le tram) ! 1st person plural present tense (no pronoun)
prendre is irregular
prendre → prenonsLet’s take the tram!
- (faire/du vélo) ! 1st person plural present tense (no pronoun)
faire is irregular
faire → faisonsLet’s go cycling!
- (s’endormir/ne pas) ! 1st person plural present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -ir ending of the infinitive and add -ons
s’endormir → endormons
add the corresponding stressed reflexive pronoun to the end of the imperativeLet’s not fall asleep!
- (se réjouir) ! 1st person plural present tense (no pronoun)
remove the -ir ending of the infinitive and add -issons
se réjouir → réjouissons
add the corresponding stressed reflexive pronoun to the end of the imperativeLet’s be happy!
Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 2nd person plural (vous).
- (demander/à votre professeur) ! present tense of the 2nd person plural (no pronoun)
remove the -er ending of the infinitive and add -ez
demander → demandezAsk your teacher!
- (attendre/un instant) ! present tense of the 2nd person plural (no pronoun)
remove the -re ending of the infinitive and add -ez
attendre → attendezWait a moment!
- (vouloir/venir à l’heure) ! present tense of the 2nd person plural (no pronoun)
vouloir has an irregular imperative form
vouloir → veuillezPlease come on time!
- (ne pas/être/triste) ! present tense of the 2nd person plural (no pronoun)
être has an irregular imperative form
être → soyezDon’t be sad!
- (se réveiller/à 6 heures) !present tense of the 2nd person plural (no pronoun)
remove the -er ending of the infinitive and add -ez
se réveiller → réveillez
add the corresponding stressed reflexive pronoun to the end of the imperativeWake up at 6 o’clock!