Pronominal Verbs – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the present tense of the pronominal verbs.

  1. Je (se décider)   à partir.1st person singular reflexive pronoun = meI’ve decided to leave.
  2. Comment tu (s’appeler)  ?2nd person singular reflexive pronoun = te
    if the verb begins with a vowel, we omit the e of te and connect the reflexive pronoun and the verb with an apostrophe
    What’s your name?
  3. Il (se réjouir)   de la nouvelle.3rd person singular reflexive pronoun = seHe’s happy about the news.
  4. Nous (s’informer)   sur les possibilités.1st person plural reflexive pronoun = nousWe’re informing ourselves about the possibilities.
  5. Vous (s’intéresser)   aux ordinateurs?2nd person plural reflexive pronoun = vousAre you interested in computers?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the pronominal verbs. You may need to use a variety of tenses.

  1. Hier je (se dépêcher)   pour prendre le train.signal: hier = passé composé/passé simple
    1st person singular reflexive pronoun = me
    Yesterday, I hurried to catch the train.
  2. Demain nous (se réveiller)   à 9 heures.signal: demain = futur composé/futur simple
    1st person plural reflexive pronoun = nous
    Tomorrow, we’ll wake up at 9 o’clock.
  3. Tu lis le livre que tu (s’acheter)   la semaine dernière.signal: la semaine dernière = passé composé/plus-que-parfait
    2nd person singular reflexive pronoun = te
    if the verb begins with a vowel, we omit the e from te and connect the reflexive pronoun and the verb with an apostrophe
    You’re reading the book that you bought last week.
  4. Quand vous étiez petits, vous (se tromper)   en mathématiques.signal: quand vous étiez petits = imparfait
    2nd person plural reflexive pronoun = vous
    When you were little, you used to always make mistakes in maths.
  5. Aujourd’hui ils (se baigner)   au lac.signal: aujourd’hui = présent
    3rd person plural reflexive pronoun = se
    Today they are swimming in the lake.

Decide if you need to use a reflexive pronoun or not.

  1. Je tout de doucher is a reflexive verb in French.I’ll shower right away.
  2. Tu à l’hôtel.séjourner is not a pronominal verb in French.Are you staying at the hotel?
  3. Nous tô lever is a reflexive verb in French.We get up early.
  4. Vous malheureusement.divorcer is not a pronominal verb in French.Unfortunately, you’re getting divorced.
  5. Ils à 11 marier is a reflexive verb in French.They’re getting married at 11 o’clock.