
What’s the difference between apporter and emporter?

The verbs apporter and emporter are paronyms, which means that their pronunciation and spellings are very similar, but not identical. This makes it tricky to tell the difference, especially because their meanings are so similar. Read on to learn when to use apporter and when to use emporter, then put your knowledge to the test in the exercises.


Éric est en vacances. Il a décidé de visiter l’Indonésie.

Il a apporté son appareil photo pour pouvoir emporter plein de beaux souvenirs avec lui quand il repartira.


The verb apporter means to bring something somewhere.

Apporter emphasises the movement towards the destination and/or recipient.

C’est l’anniversaire de Céline ce soir, je vais apporter un gâteau et une bouteille de vin à la fête.It’s Céline’s birthday tonight, I’m going to bring a cake and a bottle of wine to the party.
Olivier a froid, Guillaume lui apporte donc un pull.Olivier is cold, so Guillaume is bringing him a jumper.


The verb emporter means to take something with you to another place.

Emporter emphasises the movement away from the point of origin.

Nous partons à la plage, n’oubliez pas d’emporter vos maillots de bain !We’re going to the beach, don’t forget to take your swimming costumes!
—J’aimerais un sandwich jambon-beurre, s’il vous plaît.I’d like a ham sandwich, please.
—Sur place ou à emporter ?For here or to take away?

Check out another confusing verb pair that has a similar meaning: amener/emmener. To learn the conjugations of apporter and emporter, go to our French Verbs Conjugator.