Le présent – Free Exercise

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Do we need to use avoir or être? Choose the correct form.

  1. Pierre 13 ans.In French, age is expressed with avoir (have).Pierre is 13 years old.
  2. Elles petites.Être (be) comes before adjectives.They are small.
  3. Nous un vélo.Possession is expressed with avoir (have).We have a bike.
  4. Est-ce que tu faim?Hunger is expressed with avoir (have) in French.Are you hungry?
  5. Je française.Nationality is expressed with être (be).I am French.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of each verb in the present.

  1. Claire (manger)   un bonbon.3rd person singular: We remove the ending -er and add -e.Claire is eating a sweet.
  2. Vous (voyager)   en train.2nd person plural: We remove the ending -er and add -ez.You’re travelling by train.
  3. Ils n'(habiter)   pas ici.3rd person plural: We remove the ending -er and add -ent.They don’t live here.
  4. Est-ce que tu (apprendre)   le français?2nd person singular: We remove the ending -re and add -s.Are you learning French?
  5. Je ne (comprendre)   pas.1st person singular: We remove the ending -re and add -s.I don’t understand.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of each verb in the present. Remember the exceptions and spelling rules.

  1. Le garçon (aller)   à l’école.Aller is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.The boy goes to school.
  2. Comment tu (s’appeler)  ?For verbs ending in -eler, the final consonant is doubled before a silent e.What’s your name?
  3. Je (peser)   le sucre.An e in the word stem receives a grave accent in its conjugated forms (except in the 1st and 2nd person plural forms).I’m weighing the sugar.
  4. Est-ce que vous (boire)   un thé?Boire is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.Are you drinking tea?
  5. Mon amie (savoir)   jouer du piano.Savoir is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.My friend can play the piano.