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Complete the sentences with the correct form of each verb in the present.
- Claire (manger) un bonbon.3rd person singular: We remove the ending -er and add -e.Claire is eating a sweet.
- Vous (voyager) en train.2nd person plural: We remove the ending -er and add -ez.You’re travelling by train.
- Ils n'(habiter) pas ici.3rd person plural: We remove the ending -er and add -ent.They don’t live here.
- Est-ce que tu (apprendre) le français?2nd person singular: We remove the ending -re and add -s.Are you learning French?
- Je ne (comprendre) pas.1st person singular: We remove the ending -re and add -s.I don’t understand.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of each verb in the present. Remember the exceptions and spelling rules.
- Le garçon (aller) à l’école.Aller is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.The boy goes to school.
- Comment tu (s’appeler) ?For verbs ending in -eler, the final consonant is doubled before a silent e.What’s your name?
- Je (peser) le sucre.An e in the word stem receives a grave accent in its conjugated forms (except in the 1st and 2nd person plural forms).I’m weighing the sugar.
- Est-ce que vous (boire) un thé?Boire is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.Are you drinking tea?
- Mon amie (savoir) jouer du piano.Savoir is an irregular verb. See the list of irregular verbs.My friend can play the piano.