Participe passé – Free Exercise

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Complete the gaps with the past participles of the verbs.

  1. chanter →  regular -er verb: add to the stem
  2. obéir →  regular -ir verb: add -i to the stem
  3. attendre →  regular -re verb: add -u to the stem
  4. voir →  irregular past participle: vu
  5. avoir →  irregular past participle: eu

Irregular verbs: choose the correct option.

  1. Peux-tu répéter ce que tu as  ?irregular past participle: direditCan you repeat what you said?
  2. Jean a des places de concert à Lucie.irregular past participle: offriroffertJean gave Lucie some concert tickets.
  3. Il a toute la journée.irregular past participle: pleuvoirpluIt rained all day.
  4. Heureusement que tu avais ton parapluie.irregular past participle: prendreprisLuckily you took your umbrella.
  5. Vous avez pour ne pas rater le dernier bus.irregular past participle: courircouruYou ran to catch the last bus.

Past participle agreement: choose the correct option.

  1. Mes sœurs sont tôt ce matin.Past participle conjugated with être: agrees in gender and number with the subject
    Mes sœursparties
    My sisters left early this morning.
  2. Il est à la piscine hier.Past participle conjugated with être: agrees in gender and number with the subject
    He went to the pool yesterday.
  3. Nous avons des bougies car la nuit est rapidement.1. Past participle conjugated with avoir: stays the same
    2. Past participle conjugated with être: agrees in gender and number with the subject
    la nuit tombée
    We lit some candles because it got dark quickly.
  4. Regarde les beaux légumes que j’ai au marché !When the direct object (les légumes) comes before the verb (j’ai achetés), the past participle conjugated with avoir agrees in gender and number
    les beaux légumesachetés.
    Look at the lovely vegetables that I bought at the market!
  5. Christine ne s’est pas encore les dents.Past participle conjugated with être and followed by a direct object (les dents): past participle stays the sameChristine hasn’t brushed her teeth yet.