Participe présent – Free Exercise

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Complete the gaps with the present participles of the verbs.

  1. attendre →   take the present tense nous form and replace the ending with -ant
    nous attendonsattendant
  2. danser →   take the present tense nous form and replace the ending with -ant
    nous dansonsdansant
  3. ouvrir →   take the present tense nous form and replace the ending with -ant
    nous ouvronsouvrant
  4. voir →   take the present tense nous form and replace the ending with -ant
    nous voyonsvoyant
  5. choisir →   take the present tense nous form and replace the ending with -ant
    nous choisissonschoisissant

Verb or adjective? What is the function of the present participle in the following sentences? Choose the correct option.

  1. La pluie, tombant depuis deux heures, avait fait tomber notre pique-nique à l’eau.Present participle as a verb
    Replaces a relative clause that expresses a reason: Comme la pluie tombait depuis deux heures …
    The rain, which had been falling for two hours, had washed away our picnic.
  2. Catherine est invitée à une soirée dansante.Present participle as an adjective (adjectif verbal)
    Agrees in number and gender with the noun une soirée.
    Catherine is invited to a dance party.
  3. Les enfants, croyant qu’ils étaient seuls, se précipitèrent sur les bonbons.Present participle as a verb
    Replaces a relative clause that expresses a reason: Comme ils croyaient qu’ils étaient seuls …
    The kids, thinking they were alone, rushed for the sweets.
  4. Je trouve ce film long et ennuyant.Present participle as an adjective (adjectif verbal)
    Agrees in number and gender with the noun ce film.
    I think this film is long and boring.
  5. Ma grand-mère raconte toujours des histoires passionnantes.Present participle as an adjective (adjectif verbal)
    Agrees in number and gender with the noun des histoires.
    My grandma always tells me exciting stories.

Complete the gaps with the present participle of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Il ne faut pas rester sous ce soleil (brûler)  .nous brûlonsbrûlant
    Here the present participle is an adjective so agrees with the noun it describes (ce soleil)
    You shouldn’t stay in this burning sun.
  2. La nuit (tomber)   rapidement, ils se dépêchent de rentrer.nous tombonstombant
    Here the present participle is a verb, its form does not change.
    As night quickly fell, they hurried home.
  3. La lavande est une plante (calmer)  .nous calmonscalmant
    Here the present participle is an adjective so agrees with the noun it describes
    feminine singular noun (la lavende) → add -e
    Lavender is a calming plant.
  4. Christine, (entendre)   le téléphone sonner, posa son livre et se leva.nous entendonsentendant
    Here the present participle is a verb, its form does not change
    Christine, hearing the phone ring, put down her book and stood up.
  5. Les personnes (se rendre)   à Toulouse sont priées de se présenter à la porte 43 de l’aéroport.nous rendonsrendant
    Here the present participle is a verb, its form does not change.
    People travelling to Toulouse are asked to report to departure gate 43.